20 Bible Verses For Depression And Anxiety
As you pray these Bible verses over your mind and your life, these Verses break the enemy’s power over your mind. Depression is a traumatic symptom and a mood disorder that causes a person to experience extreme sadness and anxiety. Depression starts with experiencing unhealthy fear, which develops into anxiety and then depression. If depression is not treated, it may develop into hopelessness. Hopelessness is when a person feels empty of all emotions or they don’t have a reason to live, and progression from hopelessness can be fatal. These Bible Verses will help you to overcome the feeling of sadness and anxiety. They have the power to break the enemy’s hold over your mind. If…
How To Stay On Track With Your Recovery And Still Be Social
Holding on to sobriety is difficult even at the best of times, and for many who are in recovery, it’s a challenge that becomes even worse in social settings. Events such as birthdays, weddings, and other social gatherings often include alcohol, making it very difficult for individuals in recovery to stay social and still maintain their sobriety. Fortunately, there are simple ways to participate in these social situations and stay on track. The key is to know your limitations, find support from a friend or sponsor, and have a plan beforehand. So here are some of the best tips from LNJ Life Coaching on how to be a social butterfly and stay sober.…
10 Healing Scriptures For Emotional And Physical Health
Healing Scriptures These healing scriptures are powerful, and the Word Of God in Hebrews 4:12 KJV says that “For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.” Praying the Word of God is powerful and quick and sharper, piercing our souls and spirit. When we pray the Word of God over our situation, we are, in essence, speaking God’s words over our situation, and our situation hears the word of God and obeys God’s Word –…
Love And Affection: How It helps People To Bond Emotionally
Love And Affection Help Us To Bond Emotionally. To be affectionate, you also have to be intentional. Most couples lose the ‘spark,’ and the relationship becomes cold and dull. Familiarity sets in. Women are auditory, and men are visual. Words and actions are important when it comes to showing affection. Affection helps people in all types of relationships bond. Our relationship with our parents growing up, especially between a father and a child, is supposed to be affectionate. A father’s affection toward a child greatly and positively impacts the child’s psychological development. Other Types Of Affectionate Relationships Our relationship with God Parent-child relationship Romantic relationship Friendships Interpersonal relationships What Is…
The Brain Chemicals That Make You Happy
God has blessed us with chemicals in our body that aids in our physiology. Throughout the body, various types of hormones and chemicals contribute to our body’s functions and processes. Examples include Estrogen found in the female reproductive system, Cortisol helps to control stress, and Melatonin helps with our sleep cycle. Knowing the brain chemicals and hormones responsible for healthy mental and emotional well-being is imperative regarding our psychological health. How Our Upbringing Induces Certain Chemicals And Hormones It all starts in childhood and how our upbringing contributes to our psychological health. The father-child relationship is significant, and the more positive the relationship, the healthy a child will grow up and become. During…
10 Ways To Nourish Your Soul (Mind)
We are a soul in a body, and our soul was created to give Love and to receive Love, and because we are created in the image of God, we know that God is Love. God created us so we can thrive in an atmosphere of Love and affection; the absence of affection may be detrimental to a person’s soul. For instance, a person brought up in a toxic environment may grow up to have mental health and emotional issues such as anxiety, depression, insecurity, and anger. This reason is why God gave us guidance on how to raise children. Ephesians 6:4 AMP says – Fathers, do not provoke your children…
How Brain Development Affects Emotional Development
What makes us who we are? It is our self-esteem, personality, and self-worth. Of course, we may characterize all that as who John or Mary Is. But with that, we also are born with innate personality traits, such as a person who is introverted or extroverted. How about a person who has anxiety or insecurity or a person who has depression? Are those innate personalities, or does our environment have something to do with it? Hopefully, this blog post will shed light on how we develop emotionally. The Human Brain And Its Compartments (What makes Us) Which Part Of The Brain Houses Our Self-esteem, Emotions, And Motivations How Do Traumatic Experiences…
How To Overcome Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder Obsessive and compulsive behavior happens when a person obsesses over a particular thing or exhibits a compulsive behavior about something (usually with an unhealthy fear at the root of the behavior). This disorder may typically happen when a person out of fear believes something terrible may happen to them or the people close to them when they don’t keep certain rituals. So to maintain safety, they may be compelled to keep specific actions obsessively. For example, continually washing their hands or compulsively keeping a specific ritual/activity. This disorder may also highlight superstitious behavior, which may worsen OCD. OCD starts with trauma, and then fear sets in, and Fear causes…
How To Overcome Codependency And Separation Anxiety
Codependency is the body/mind unconsciously seeking affection. This seeking of emotional fulfillment may come in the form of being dependent on a significant other for our emotional needs, being dependent on our work, and it may also lead to addictions. What Causes Codependency Issues? A person may become codependent because they may have been brought up in a home where affection was missing (the parents were emotionally detached), causing the absence of Oxytocin in their brain development, an essential chemical for bonding and regulating emotional responses. A person may begin to work on themselves by nurturing their soul and creating an environment that will stimulate the ‘happy chemicals’ Oxytocin and Serotonin through sensory stimulation…
How To Prevent Mental And Emotional Health Issues In Our Next Generation
How can we prevent the next generation from living with mental and emotional health issues? Is that possible? Yes!! The next generation can be healthy mentally and emotionally. Still, it will take a committed group effort from everyone, from parents to educators to the healthcare industry, to make this happen. Characteristics Of A Person Living In A Healthy Mental And Emotional State What Are The Steps To Nurturing A Healthy Next Generation It all starts at home, and the responsibility, first and foremost, falls on the parents. At LNJ Life Coaching, we are creating awareness regarding parent-child bonding and its importance for the child’s healthy psychological development. Secondly, parents, educators, and caregivers…