
Self-Care Is Not a Chore. It’s a Way of Life

When someone encourages you to practice self-care, your first reaction might be, Oh great, one more thing to put on my already full plate. But self-care isn’t a chore. It’s not yet another task to be performed. Instead, self-care is intended to be a way of life, something you weave into your day, not part of your to-do list. Today, LNJ Life Coaching has some tips to help you make self-care part of your daily routine.

Start With the Small Things

Learning to say no is difficult. We want to be helpful; we want to show we care. But it can sabotage our own well-being if we make it a habit to say yes to any and all requests. So instead, take a few minutes each morning to jot down two or three things you hope to accomplish that day. Then, as requests come in, consider the impact they might have on those priorities that you set aside. The same applies to your fees and services if you’re self-employed—practice ways to say no in a way that makes you feel empowered rather than guilty.

Unplugging from the outside world can be like overcoming an addiction, but starting with small intervals and increasing those can get you there. You don’t have to unplug permanently; choose specific times of the day when you disconnect from the world and focus on your inner thoughts rather than having them bombarded with outside stimuli. It’s essential for our mental and physical health to spend some time each day for meditation, self-reflection, and solitude

Find ways to cope with negative emotions. These feelings of negativity can occur anywhere but are most prevalent in the workplace. When you find yourself frustrated and angry, step away and try taking a 10-minute walk around the building or neighborhood. It’s a great way of giving yourself a time out before acting on impulse and later regretting it. Think about the things that calm and inspire you and have them available when you’re feeling negative. It can be listening to music, reading a book, or sketching in a notebook or electronic sketchpad, as long as it takes your mind off of the events that triggered your reaction in the first place.

Some Active Measures

Our environment and workspace can have a significant impact on our sense of well-being. In your office, put up pictures, artwork, or images that inspire or remind you of the people and things that matter. Your workspace should feel like a reflection of you and the things that matter to you. 

At home and in the office, you can improve your sense of well-being and lessen stress by decluttering. Staying organized can make you feel in control and can restore feelings of accomplishment, self-confidence, contentment, and pride. In addition, a well-arranged home makes it easier for you to find things easily and eliminates the frustration of wasting time looking for the things you need. 

Deco Facts has some great ideas and tips for improving your home space and, by extension, improving your health. In addition, you can find some great articles for both decor and wellness on their pages. 

Commit to a more healthy lifestyle by improving your diet and exercising more. Eating healthy means eating at home, which is also a great way to save money. 

Eating out at restaurants and purchasing convenience food means spending a lot more money to have a lower-quality diet. Your average micro-meal has a much lower nutritional content than its homemade counterpart. And it’s only a one-serving meal!

Exercise doesn’t have to be expensive or even inconvenient. If you have close access to an affordable gym, that’s great. But if not, just committing to walking 10,000 steps a day can have an enormous benefit for your overall health. And if you are a dog owner, taking your furry friend on walks (or runs) is an excellent way for both of you to get exercise and fresh air while spending time together! You should invest in an escape-proof harness so that you can keep an eye on your new workout buddy, though! 

Remember, regular exercise increases your muscle mass and helps you shed excess fat and fluids, supports your body’s production of antibodies and white blood cells, and fights off viruses and other pathogens more efficiently, significantly boosting your immune response and ability to fight disease.

You’re in It for the Long Haul

Self-care can and should be a lifestyle, not a challenge to overcome. Weaving positive measures into your life, like coping with negative emotions, creating a more wellness-focused environment, and remembering to care for your body, are changes you can make that will become a natural and healthy part of how you live your everyday life. 

LNJ Life Coaching offers tips on parenting and Faith, as well as overcoming anxiety, trauma, and depression. Want more? Call 646-535-6339.