Stay On Track With Your Recovery

How To Stay On Track With Your Recovery And Still Be Social

Holding on to sobriety is difficult even at the best of times, and for many who are in recovery, it’s a challenge that becomes even worse in social settings. Events such as birthdays, weddings, and other social gatherings often include alcohol, making it very difficult for individuals in recovery to stay social and still maintain their sobriety. 

Fortunately, there are simple ways to participate in these social situations and stay on track. The key is to know your limitations, find support from a friend or sponsor, and have a plan beforehand. So here are some of the best tips from LNJ Life Coaching on how to be a social butterfly and stay sober.

Understand Your Triggers

It’s important for anyone in recovery to stay away from negative influences, especially at social functions. Still, you may face them in social settings, so addiction experts note that it’s critical for people in recovery to learn how to approach and handle “high-risk situations,” as well as have a plan for handling them.

If you know that some of your triggers are present (an old friend who induces guilt, a place that stirs up memories, etc.), evaluate whether being around them is the best decision.  Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) requires re-learning and changing negative cognitive patterns that associate your triggers to your addiction, and this process takes time.  

We don’t learn these behaviors overnight, nor can we immediately unlearn them.  In the meantime, it is better to be cautious about allowing yourself to be around your triggers.  

Bring a Buddy

Having a friend (particularly a sober friend or at least one who wasn’t an active part of your addiction) alongside you at an event where there will be substances can really help you stay on track. Not only will you have someone motivating you, you’ll have support should you decide to leave early. 

Practice Self-Care

Practicing self-care is important when you’re in recovery because it gives you the chance to find things that make you happy in a healthy way, so it’s important to do something for yourself when you know you’ll have a lot of social engagements coming up. Daily exercise and a well-balanced diet can do wonders for self-esteem, energy levels, and motivation, and can keep you focused on staying healthy. You can also try art therapy, which can help you express your feelings in a positive way, or simply treat yourself to a shopping trip or massage now and then. 

Self-care is also about maintaining your mental and emotional health, so make it a point to stay in contact with your sponsor or counselor, or consider getting a service animal. Dogs are wonderful companions, and can help ease anxiety and depression. 

Leave Early

It’s helpful to have a plan in place before you even arrive at an event, including an exit strategy that will allow you to leave quickly should you be confronted with temptation. You might consider driving yourself or setting up an Uber account on your phone so you can call for a car right away. Don’t be afraid to cut the evening short if you need to; simply tell your hosts that you need to call it a night and thank them for inviting you. 

Bring Your Own Beverage

Think about bringing your own bottled water or soda to keep from having to visit the bar at a wedding or other big event. Having a drink in your hand will help you resist temptation as well as keep unwanted questions or offers at bay.

Make New Friends

Keeping negative people out of your life will be much easier if you have new friends. Make an effort to get out of the house and find people with the same goals as you; think about joining a sports team, a book club, a gym, or, if you’re new to recovery and are hesitant to go out, look for an online support group that will fit your needs.

Know When to Seek Help

As an addict in recovery, knowing when to seek professional care is crucial to maintaining your sobriety. Professional care can provide you with the support, guidance, and resources necessary to navigate the challenges of overcoming addiction. There are many free rehab centers that can provide the comprehensive care that you need to achieve long-term recovery, but each offers slightly different support. It’s important to seek out professional care that meets your unique needs and offers a range of evidence-based treatment options. By doing so, you can increase your chances of success and stay on the path towards a healthier, happier life free from addiction.

Know Yourself and Know Your Addiction

Remember, you’re in control of your recovery. Social events might be a little more difficult to get through when you’re not drinking or abusing substances, but they don’t have to be impossible. Stay in touch with your sponsor for support and learn what works for you before making plans.

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