11 Powerful Bible Verses About Worry To Pray Over Yourself Daily
Are you worried, tired, and overwhelmed? To tell you the truth, the Christian life is not smooth sailing, it comes with its ups and downs, But God has promised us that when we walk through the valley of the shadow of death, He will always be with us. The Lord knows that we live in a fallen world, and with spiritual battles waging around us, we will feel down and have to worry from time to time. We are children of God, and we can not allow worry, stress, and anxiety to win over us; God has given us the tactics to overcome worry, it is why God has given…
Top Career Advice For College Students And High School Graduates
The number one question many people ask is what to do after they graduate from college or what major to study when they transition from high school to college. Many often spend many years in school only to study a course that is out of alignment with their strengths or choose courses because of parental influence. Or they choose an industry that they believe will make them the most money or choose a course because that is what everyone else is doing. How The Wrong Career Can Affect Your Work-Life Balance Unfortunately, when you choose a career and don’t have the proper foundation or the appropriate knowledge, you may choose…
8 Best Pieces Of Career Advice For Women Who Want To Live A Purposeful Life
If possible, women should seek to work either working from home or stepping into the corporate world – God encourages us women to work and contribute to our household. When we read Proverbs 31:10-31, we see that the woman described in this Epilogue is a woman who works a lot, and you may wonder how she gets time to take care of her family. She rises early in the morning and works until late into the night – This is not to say that we have to do the same thing, but the Bible encourages us to find something to do with our hands and not be idle. This blog post will discuss…
Why Praying Psalm 35 Is Extremely Powerful In Fighting Spiritual Warfare
Spiritual Warfare is all around us, and if you are spiritually inclined, you will recognize when the atmosphere around you gets heavy with the presence of demonic activity. In Ephesians 6:12, Apostle Paul tells us that “For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.” Our Struggle Is Against Spiritual Forces This bible verse demonstrates an ever-presence of the enemy around us, thus the only way to put a barrier between the enemy and us is by prayers, and with this, I mean constant warfare…
How To Forgive Others With The Help Of God And Heal Physically And Spiritually
What Is Forgiveness According To The Bible? In (Ephesians 4:31-32 NIV), it says, “Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice. Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you. According to God, forgiving someone means getting rid of all bitterness you have towards that person. When someone hurts you and you keep that pain inside of you, it grows to become bitterness. But God is telling us to get rid of the bitterness and anger we may have towards someone who has hurt us to forgive them just as in Christ, God forgave…
How To Completely Surrender To God And Live In The Beautiful Will Of God For Your Life
Surrender To God This blog post is a call Surrender To God through Jesus Christ A call to allow Jesus Christ to be your Savior and let The Holy Spirit do His work in your life. (2 Corinthians 5:17-19 NIV) says, “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come. The old has gone, the new is here! All this is from God, who reconciled us to Himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation that God was reconciling the world to Himself in Christ, not counting people’s sin against them.” God is calling us to reconciliation to restore us to Himself and Living A Surrendered Life.…
5 Gentle Character Traits From Ruth Christian Women Can Learn
Ruth, the Moabites, was a woman who came from a pagan country and a pagan family, but God had a plan for her and her future. The sequence of events might not have played out smoothly, but non the less God still had a plan. We might say the same for our current reality; you might not know how God will turn your situation around for the better because of the adversity you may be going through, but like David and Ruth, God has a plan to turn around your situation. Thus, the hardship that you may be going through is part of the stepping stone to your victory. The…
David A Man After God’s Heart And A Man Of War
David A Man After God’s Heart David is one of my favorite people in the Bible. He lived an adventurous life, had his up’s and down’s, fell off, and got back up, all while chasing after God’s heart. This blog post is our fourth in the series of “People of the Bible that God used for His purpose.” We discussed the patriarchs, Noah, and Moses and how God used them for specific assignments in our earlier posts. In this post, we will discuss King David and how God used him to lead the Israelites. 1 Samuel chapter 16 and the following chapters give us a glimpse into the life of David, his Calling, Anointing,…
Noah’s Assignment And God’s Purpose For Mankind
Noah’s Assignment We started this series by talking about the patriarchs and how God used Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob to create His Jewish nation. Today, we will talk about Noah and how God used him to preserve a select few; Noah’s family and two of each animal in the world. Because of man’s wickedness in that generation, God would start over again with humankind, but He needed a few select people to procreate and fill the earth after the flood, and He chose the family of Noah. Noah had three sons. All the people who will enter the ark will be Noah and his wife, his three sons (Shem, Ham,…
People In The Bible God Used For His Purpose (The Patriarchs)
Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob We thank God He has called us to join in His glorious work in His creation. The Bible is full of people God used for His purpose. God’s ultimate purpose for us is that we will love Him with all our heart, mind, and soul. We also know that we will live in a broken world with a broken human nature, far from the perfect world God created in the beginning. The enemy tempted Adam and Eve and caused The Fall to happen, and the trajectory of our lives has changed. But, God is very faithful and merciful and sent His son Jesus Christ to reconcile…