The Philosophy Of God Involving Man In His Creative Process
We need to allow God to do His work in our life; What we have to do is to wait on Him for instructions on how to proceed. In contrast, when we try to do what only God can, we risk living a life of stress, worry, and anxiety. To have God work in our life calls for us to depend on Him and Trust Him entirely. How Does The Creating Process Happen? For spiritual things, God takes care of them, but when it comes to the physical aspect of creating, God will give us the instruction and the go-ahead on how to handle the creation process. This act calls for us to…
The Powerful Ways God Used People To Accomplish His Purpose
We worship a Big God who desires fellowship with us and wants to involve us with the work that He is doing here on earth. This blog post will highlight how The Lord progressively got work done through people He ‘called.’ From Adam, who was tasked with populating the earth, to Moses, who was tasked with leading the Jews to their promised land, and to Jesus Christ, who brought us Salvation – we can see the mind and heart of God through the work that He did. Studying God’s creative process gives us a peak into who He is and His heart toward humankind. The People God Used And Their…
How God Heals Us From Traumatic Symptoms
Traumatic symptoms are symptoms that a large amount of the population suffers from – after a recent study, children as young as five years old were rushed to the hospital for battling with suicidal thoughts. A person is made of spirit, soul, and a human body. Genesis 2:7 – And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul. Our human body enables us to survive in the material world, and it ‘houses’ both our spirit and soul. However, our spirit is ‘dead’ at birth until we believe in Jesus and come to salvation; we then become ‘born again.’ (John 3:3) …
How Our Upbringing Affects The Health Of Our Psychological Development
As a therapist, when I work with clients who may be suffering from issues such as unhealthy fear, anxiety, low-self esteem, pride, emotional dependency, depression, or insecurities, my first instinct is to probe into their childhood to find out if they went through trauma growing up. Research shows that 98% of the population has endured trauma growing up – whether it is direct or indirect trauma which greatly affects our Psychological Development. What Is Trauma In The Psychological Context? Going through very stressful, frightening, or distressing events. What Are Some Examples Of Trauma Repeatedly hearing negative words or phrases Verbal abuse Mental abuse Sexual abuse Physical abuse Lack of communication…
The Importance And Benefits Of Fasting | Ep 4
When we fast, we have to be in a posture of humbleness and spiritual ablution, meaning we come before God with ‘clean hands’ and a pure heart. In addition, we should go through the forgiveness process if needed because it is a command from God, and we are to obey God’s commandments. Also, forgiveness is part of that spiritual ablution, where you remove hurt, pain, anger, bitterness, and resentment from your heart (these emotions block you from drawing closer to God) – please read Ephesians 4:31-32 In this four-part episode, I will conclude this blog series by briefly discussing the importance and benefits of fasting. You may read parts one to three of this four-part…
How To Go Through The Regeneration Process With Prayer And Fasting | Ep 3
Prayer and fasting are essential in a believer’s life. In my previous posts, I started this series by discussing how to surrender to God and how to endure the wilderness season. In this episode, I will be talking about going through the regeneration process with prayers and fasting. What Is The Regeneration Process? Titus 3:5 says ‘He saved us, not because of any works of righteousness that we have done, but because of His own compassion and mercy, by the cleansing of the new birth (spiritual transformation, regeneration) and renewing by the Holy Spirit -‘ This verse means God did not save us because of our righteousness or any ‘good’ work we have done. Still,…
How To Endure The Wilderness Season And Come Out Victorious | Ep 2
When we talk about the wilderness season, perhaps two scenarios in the Bible immediately come to mind. Jesus went into the wilderness immediately after His Baptism and fasted for forty days and forty nights, and the enemy tempted Him. (Matthew 4:1-11) The Israelites went through the wilderness to get to the Promised land. But, they delayed their journey for forty years because of their unbelieve. (Numbers 13, 14) I believe every Christian must go through a wilderness season because it is the season where God does so much spiritual work on us. In my last post, I talked about How to surrender your life to God completely, and I promised to talk about…
9 Outside-The-Box Ways To De-Stress
Everybody experiences stress from time to time. It’s part of life, and it’s natural to feel anxious. However, if your stress becomes overwhelming, or you find yourself constantly worrying about issues in your life, you may be suffering from anxiety or depression. Fortunately, there are ways to calm your mind and bring yourself back to the center. Below are nine outside-the-box ways to de-stress — they may help you unwind faster and more effectively than anything else. 1. Try Mantra Meditation Repeating a mantra during meditation can help bring your focus back when your mind begins to wander. If you’re new to mantra meditation, invest in a guided recording —…
Who Is The Holy Spirit And How Does He Work In A Believers Life?
In May 2019, when I decided to surrender my life to God, something incredible happened days later, leading me to where I am today. When I think back to what happened, it reminds me of what happened to Jesus Christ after His baptism. Matthew 3:16 says, As soon as Jesus was baptized, he went up out of the water. At that moment heaven was opened, and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and alighting on him. Here, I want to emphasize the Spirit of God, which is the Holy Spirit coming on Jesus Christ – The same thing happened to me when I fully surrendered my life to God.…
How To Heal From Childhood Trauma Caused By Emotionally Detached Parents
Unfortunately, most homes lack the essence of love and warmth which causes childhood trauma. Love and warmth is the emotional connection a human being needs to grow and thrive in a healthy way. About 75% of adults have grown up in a home that lacked adequate emotional support. This reason is why there is a high demand for therapy and counseling. The Home Needs A Complete Family Unit God is very serious about the family unit; unfortunately, that same family unit is what the enemy seeks to destroy. That is why most families break apart; mainly, the home is a single-parent home with the father nowhere to be found, and this…