How To Wait On God
How To Wait On God Waiting on God can be one of the most challenging things we do as Christians. We want answers; we want direction, and we want to know what’s next. But sometimes, God asks us to wait. Waiting on God is not easy, but it is essential. It teaches us patience, perseverance, and trust. It reminds us that God is in control and that His timing is perfect. When we wait on God, we are not wasting time. We are growing in our faith and becoming more like Christ. We are learning to rely on Him and to trust that He has a plan for our lives.…
How To Get Unstuck In Life
How To Get Unstuck In Life The antidote to becoming unstuck in life is forgiveness. The bible verse In Matthew 5:24 says – “leave your gift there in front of the altar, go at once and make peace with your brother, and then come back and offer your gift to God.” This Bible verse talks about forgiveness and the power that forgiveness has in our lives. Many people will see progress in their lives only if they forgive people who hurt them. Sometimes, depending on the kind of hurt a person has experienced; understandably, it may be challenging for them to go through forgiveness, but if you surrender the process to God and ask…
9 Bible Verses To Help You Overcome Insecurity
Insecurity is an emotion that is closely related to low self-esteem. When a person struggles with insecurity, low self-esteem is usually at the root of this traumatic symptom. Also, insecurity usually begins with an unhealthy fear and anxiety and then progresses into insecurity. Insecurity may manifest differently for different people; some could be insecure in their looks, some could be insecure in their careers, some could be insecure in their relationships, and some could be insecure in all areas of life. To overcome insecurity, you have to know why you are insecure or what you are insecure about. For example, if you are insecure about your career – first, you need…
20 Bible Verses For Depression And Anxiety
As you pray these Bible verses over your mind and your life, these Verses break the enemy’s power over your mind. Depression is a traumatic symptom and a mood disorder that causes a person to experience extreme sadness and anxiety. Depression starts with experiencing unhealthy fear, which develops into anxiety and then depression. If depression is not treated, it may develop into hopelessness. Hopelessness is when a person feels empty of all emotions or they don’t have a reason to live, and progression from hopelessness can be fatal. These Bible Verses will help you to overcome the feeling of sadness and anxiety. They have the power to break the enemy’s hold over your mind. If…
How To Overcome Unhealthy Fear And Live With A Sound Mind
The Fight Or Flight Response Adrenaline and Cortisol are important hormones because they help the body protect itself from danger. These hormones are commonly known as ‘the fight or flight response’. They work like this; when you are faced with a frightening moment, your first response may be to fight or run away. These hormones help us to decide what to do and what happens is that our adrenaline shoots up and puts us in survival mode to protect us from danger. In this respect, fear can be a good emotion because it helps us to make a safe and decisive decision. But fear can become unhealthy when our Adrenaline…
The Importance Of Parent-Child Bonding
The parent-child bonding process is the genesis of the child’s psychological development. Therefore, the absence of the bonding process could, in fact, produce stress and trauma in a child’s life. In addition, experiences such as neglect, abandonment, and lack of communication could be subtle ways the child may experience trauma. The Bonding Process When there is an active bonding process, both parent and child produce an essential hormone and chemical called Oxytocin, a vital chemical needed for bonding. So in addition, are necessary chemicals called Dopamine, Serotonin, and Endorphins which all play a pivotal role in the child’s brain development. These chemicals help in the development of the child’s brain and help them function successfully in society. They…
The Philosophy Of God Involving Man In His Creative Process
We need to allow God to do His work in our life; What we have to do is to wait on Him for instructions on how to proceed. In contrast, when we try to do what only God can, we risk living a life of stress, worry, and anxiety. To have God work in our life calls for us to depend on Him and Trust Him entirely. How Does The Creating Process Happen? For spiritual things, God takes care of them, but when it comes to the physical aspect of creating, God will give us the instruction and the go-ahead on how to handle the creation process. This act calls for us to…
The Powerful Ways God Used People To Accomplish His Purpose
We worship a Big God who desires fellowship with us and wants to involve us with the work that He is doing here on earth. This blog post will highlight how The Lord progressively got work done through people He ‘called.’ From Adam, who was tasked with populating the earth, to Moses, who was tasked with leading the Jews to their promised land, and to Jesus Christ, who brought us Salvation – we can see the mind and heart of God through the work that He did. Studying God’s creative process gives us a peak into who He is and His heart toward humankind. The People God Used And Their…
How God Heals Us From Traumatic Symptoms
Traumatic symptoms are symptoms that a large amount of the population suffers from – after a recent study, children as young as five years old were rushed to the hospital for battling with suicidal thoughts. A person is made of spirit, soul, and a human body. Genesis 2:7 – And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul. Our human body enables us to survive in the material world, and it ‘houses’ both our spirit and soul. However, our spirit is ‘dead’ at birth until we believe in Jesus and come to salvation; we then become ‘born again.’ (John 3:3) …
How Our Upbringing Affects The Health Of Our Psychological Development
As a therapist, when I work with clients who may be suffering from issues such as unhealthy fear, anxiety, low-self esteem, pride, emotional dependency, depression, or insecurities, my first instinct is to probe into their childhood to find out if they went through trauma growing up. Research shows that 98% of the population has endured trauma growing up – whether it is direct or indirect trauma which greatly affects our Psychological Development. What Is Trauma In The Psychological Context? Going through very stressful, frightening, or distressing events. What Are Some Examples Of Trauma Repeatedly hearing negative words or phrases Verbal abuse Mental abuse Sexual abuse Physical abuse Lack of communication…