How God Heals Us From Traumatic Symptoms
Traumatic symptoms are symptoms that a large amount of the population suffers from – after a recent study, children as young as five years old were rushed to the hospital for battling with suicidal thoughts.
A person is made of spirit, soul, and a human body. Genesis 2:7 – And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul. Our human body enables us to survive in the material world, and it ‘houses’ both our spirit and soul. However, our spirit is ‘dead’ at birth until we believe in Jesus and come to salvation; we then become ‘born again.’ (John 3:3)
It is imperative to believe in Jesus Christ, come to salvation, and have a relationship with God.
The Relationship Between Our Spirit, Soul, And Body
Our soul animates our body; without the soul, the body will be dead. Our soul contains our Will, emotions, and intellect. When we navigate life without the Holy Spirit and the direction of God, we live on our limited wisdom, and wisdom without God is flawed (James 3:15-18). How, then, do we gain God’s Wisdom? Proverbs 9:10 NIV says, “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.”
A person’s soul is delicate; God created the soul to experience affection such as love, kindness, joy, peace, and gentleness. Unfortunately, when the soul experiences traumatic events, it causes damage to the soul, which manifests in traumatic symptoms such as fear, anxiety, low self-esteem, and depression.
The enemy takes advantage of a person’s trauma, inhabiting the soul, and influencing the person’s thoughts and behavior. This reason is why as a born-again Christian, you may still suffer from negative and intrusive thoughts or self-destructing thoughts.
What Are Intrusive Thoughts?
Intrusive thoughts are unwanted thoughts, images, impulses, or urges that can occur spontaneously, or external/internal stimuli can cue that. Typically, these thoughts are distressing. In addition, stress or anxiety often triggers intrusive thoughts.
God Heals Our Soul
Psalm 62:1-2 Truly my soul finds rest in God; my salvation comes from Him. Truly He is my rock and my salvation; He is my fortress, I will never be shaken.
Steps To Receiving Your Deliverance And Healing
- Your relationship with God is very vital because the closer you grow in your relationship with God, you grow spiritually, and the easier it is to hear from God. As you travail in prayers, the Holy Spirit will guide you on your journey to deliverance and healing.
- Travailing in prayer and fasting is how God will help you overcome all unclean spirits, such as fear, anxiety, depression, pride, or insecurity, that may torment you. Mark 9:29 KJV says, ‘And he said unto them, This kind can come forth by nothing, but by prayer and fasting.’
- Staying away from sin: Christians must stay away from sin because we Love our Heavenly Father and strive to obey His commandments. Secondly, we know that sin “opens the door” and gives the enemy the legal right to invade our life, so we stay away from sin.
- Studying the Bible: The Bible will help you to know God on an intimate level which will also help you to build a stronger faith in Him. Secondly, the Holy Spirit will teach you and give you an understanding of the truth so that false doctrines will not sway you. Thirdly, studying the Bible will teach you about God’s Will for Christian life. Fourthly, God will speak to you as you study the Bible.
- Praying the Word of God: Praying the word of God is very powerful (Hebrew 4:12). When praying for God to deliver and heal you, be specific in your prayers. Look for Bible Verses that speak to your problem, turn the prayer into a customized prayer and pray it over yourself as a petition to God (the Word Of God will heal your soul). As you do your part in prayer, God will also do His work to bring total deliverance and healing. Two of the most powerful warfare prayers in the Bible are Psalm 35 and Psalm 59.
- Renewing your mind: It is imperative to actively work on renewing our mind because it is a vital step in the deliverance and healing process (Romans 12:2). Apostle Paul tells us to focus on things that are good, noble, and trustworthy (Philippians 4:8). Also, pay attention to your thoughts and take captive those negative and intrusive thoughts to make them obedient to God (2 Corinthians 10:3-5)
- Thanksgiving And Worship: There is power in worship, and thanksgiving (Luke 17:11-19) and (2 Chronicles 20:1-30) are great examples of the power of thanksgiving and the importance of worship. As you pray, know that your faith and belief have already healed you. Importantly, thank God daily and worship Him in the process (Psalm 136) (Revelation chapter 4 verses 8 and 11).