The Powerful Ways God Used People To Accomplish His Purpose
We worship a Big God who desires fellowship with us and wants to involve us with the work that He is doing here on earth. This blog post will highlight how The Lord progressively got work done through people He ‘called.’
From Adam, who was tasked with populating the earth, to Moses, who was tasked with leading the Jews to their promised land, and to Jesus Christ, who brought us Salvation – we can see the mind and heart of God through the work that He did.
Studying God’s creative process gives us a peak into who He is and His heart toward humankind.
The People God Used And Their Task
Adam – The Lord tasked Adam to be fruitful and increase in number, fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky and over every living creature that moves on the ground. Genesis 1:28
Noah – God preserved Noah and his family and a select group of animals to repopulate the earth after the flood. Genesis 8:15-22
Abraham – God chose Abraham to be the man who would be the father of the nation Israel by giving birth to a promised son (Isaac), and that son had a son (Jacob) who would give birth to twelve children who would become the tribes that made the Hebrew nation – God’s own nation of people. Genesis 12:1-9 Genesis 15
Joseph – Joseph told his brothers that The Lord sent him ahead of them to Egypt to preserve for them a remnant on earth and to save their lives by a great deliverance Genesis 45:4-11. Remember, The Lord had prophesied to Abraham that his descendants would live in a foreign land for four hundred years -years earlier Genesis 15:12-19
Moses – God chose Moses to be the leader who would lead the Israelites out of Egypt into their Promised Land, and also The Lord gave Moses the commandments and laws that the Israelites were to live by and pass down to their children Exodus 3:8-10 Exodus 20
Joshua – God chose Joshua to lead the Israelites to inherit the land (fight the enemies and take the land) He swore to their ancestors Joshua 1:6
Judges – When the Israelites settled in their Promised Land, they disobeyed The Lord repeatedly, and God punished them by delivering them to their enemies. When God punishes them, they will cry out to God, and God will raise a judge to deliver them from their enemies. Some of these judges were Samson, Gideon, Deborah, and Jephthah. You may read the Book of Judges for the complete study.
Samuel – God used Samuel as the last judge and a prophet to speak His words to the Israelites, and God used Samuel to choose and anoint two kings – Saul and David. 1 Samuel 3:19-21
Saul – God, called Saul ( when the Israelites demanded a King) to shepherd the Israelites, but Saul failed miserably at the job. So The Lord had to fire him and replace him with King David.
David – God anointed David to become king of the united nations of Israel and Judah to lead the Israelites on military campaigns and to judge the people wisely 2 Samuel 5:1-2
Kings – After David ruled for 40 years, several more kings ruled the Israelites. You may read more on that in 1 Kings and 2 Kings
Major Prophets – God called several people who became major prophets that The Lord used to prophesy major world-changing events that occurred in ancient Israel, and some prophecies are yet to come to pass. Examples of these prophets include Daniel, Jeremiah, Isaiah, Ezekiel, and Elijah.
Minor Prophets: God used prophets like Jonah, Nahum, Obadiah, Joel, and Micah to speak to the people of Israel and the Kings of Israel. Also, Jonah was a prophet God used to save the people of Nineveh.
Nehemiah – Nehemiah was a cupbearer to king Artaxerxes; God had placed it on his heart to go to Jerusalem and rebuild its broken walls and gate and promote the welfare of the Israelites. Nehemiah 2
Esther – God placed Esther strategically in the palace to be married to king Xerxes of the Citadel of Susa. This marriage happened because the enemy, in the form of Haman, had planned to annihilate the Jews, and Esther would be the person to save her people from death. You may study the book of Esther to see God’s providence.
Jesus Christ – Jesus Christ came to earth to be our Savior so that through His death and resurrection and our belief in Him, we would be saved (Born again) and become children of God. In addition, Jesus Christ was tasked to share the Good News to the lost sheep of Israel.
Paul – Paul was called by God to send the Good News (Gospel) to the Gentiles Acts 22:21
John: The Book Of Revelation was written by John as he received end-time revelation from Jesus Christ to show what must soon take place.
In conclusion, God used all these people to advance His work on earth.
What has God tasked you to do for the Kingdom?