Love And Affection: How It helps People To Bond Emotionally
Love And Affection Help Us To Bond Emotionally.
To be affectionate, you also have to be intentional. Most couples lose the ‘spark,’ and the relationship becomes cold and dull. Familiarity sets in.
Women are auditory, and men are visual. Words and actions are important when it comes to showing affection.
Affection helps people in all types of relationships bond.
Our relationship with our parents growing up, especially between a father and a child, is supposed to be affectionate. A father’s affection toward a child greatly and positively impacts the child’s psychological development.
Other Types Of Affectionate Relationships
Romantic relationship
Interpersonal relationships
What Is Affection?
What is affection, and to put what affection is into an analogy, affection is the ‘bag’ in which we put our positive emotions. So, for example, in your bag of affection, you may have platonic love, respect, compassion, empathy, hugs, kisses, daily phone calls, date night, dinner together with no distractions, acts of service, etc. And the positive emotions in your bag of affection may differ from one relationship to another.
Why Is Affection Important?
Affection is essential because it helps a person to thrive. Bonding through affection releases the hormone Oxytocin, which positively impacts our mental and emotional well-being. Therefore, we need to be kind to ourselves and kind to other people. When someone compliments you, it brightens your day; on the contrary, it hurts you when someone passes a negative comment about you. This reason is why we must be kind to people, empathetic, and compassionate because you may have made their day a little better and brighter.
How To Be Intentional With Affection In Your Relation To Create A Lasting Bond
Affection is synonymous to love, and love is an action word. So to create affection in your relationships, you have to ask yourself, what can I do to improve the other person’s life? This question may take you on a journey of sacrificial love because now, you put the other person first and want to make their life better.
You can practice love/affection in your romantic relationship, friendships, with family, co-workers, or with anyone you have a relationship with; And with human nature, we tend to mirror each other’s behavior. So if you take the initiative to be kind and affectionate towards your partner, friend, or family member, you will realize they begin to mirror the behavior back to you. This mirroring is how you can create a lasting bond in your relationship.
Being affectionate also calls for someone being intentional and willing to work to improve the relationship.