8 Life Lessons Christian Women Can Learn From The Epilogue Of The Proverbs 31 Woman
I have heard both men and women say that it is impossible to be a Proverbs 31 woman in this century when it’s all about feminism and women’s empowerment. I am a women’s empowerment coach but, I empower women to live according to the way God expects us to live out our lives as daughters of God; not like in today’s society where women’s empowerment means you don’t need a man; basically, you can do whatever a man also does. But, that is very wrong, and the enemy has corrupted the family unit and marriage and has reversed the roles of men and women.
The Lord created marriage as a ministry and created the marriage structure this way; The Lord is the head of the family, then comes the man, the woman, followed by the children. The man is not above God, just as the woman is not above the man. There is a structure, and if that structure breaks, it leads to a breakdown of the family/marriage unit.
But, today, we are not talking about marriage; that will be for another post. I want to talk about Proverbs 31 Woman and how a 21st-century woman can emulate her.
In Proverbs 31, we see King Lemuel’s writing, and these writings were advice he got from his mother. His mother advised him about the type of women he might encounter; either he will encounter women who will help him build a successful life or women who will ruin his life. In verses 1-3 of Proverbs 31, his mother advised him to stay away from women who destroy men. When we come down to verses 10-31, it describes the type of character every man should pray for in a wife. The verse starts by saying this type of woman is hard to find because they are worth more than the most expensive gemstone. But, are there any women who are Proverbs 31 women in our modern-day? I pray there are, and as a woman, I pray to God that He molds me into a proverbs 31 woman.
Here are the characteristics of a Proverbs 31 woman
She is a God-fearing woman: For a Proverbs 31 woman, her relationship with God is the number one relationship in her life. She knows that without God, she can not build (Psalms 127:1). She develops an intimate relationship with God through Jesus Christ. She consults with God in all her affairs and allows God to lead her. She submits her will to God and lives according to God’s plans for her life and marriage.
She is a help-meet to her husband: (Proverbs 31:11-12 NIV) says, “Her husband has full confidence in her and lacks nothing of value. She brings him good, not harm, all the days of her life.” This woman is a partner with her husband; they work hand-in-hand to advance the kingdom of God. Her husband trusts her, and in times of uncertainty, he can rely on her for support. In short, she is a woman who is a suitable helper to her husband.
She is a working woman: A Proverbs 31 woman is a very hard-working woman. In the chapter of Proverbs 31, you can see the various work that this woman is involved in; she is an entrepreneur with more than one business. She does not depend on her husband for money. She wakes up early in the morning and goes to bed late at night because of her many endeavors. In our modern society, a Proverbs 31 woman is a woman who might have a position in the corporate world, an entrepreneur, a homemaker, a designer, whatever her work is, she is a woman who is making money to help run her home.
She is a humanitarian/has a servant’s heart: Verse 20 of Proverbs 31 states that “she opens her arms to the poor and extends her hands to the needy.” To be a humanitarian does not mean you have to be a millionaire to give. The little that you can give can go a long way. It does not have to be monetary either; you can give your time and help mentor the youth; you can help in a soup kitchen. If you have any skills, you can use your skills to volunteer and help your community. It is your heart that counts.
She is a homemaker: A Proverbs 31 woman takes care of her home; she creates a warm and inviting atmosphere for her family. She makes sure that her home is clean, there is food, laundry is clean, the floor is clean, etc. In short, she makes her home comfortable for her family and guests.
She is a strong and wise woman: In Proverbs 14:1 is states that “The wise woman builds her house, but with her own hands the foolish woman tears hers down.” In this verse, we can elaborate and say “house” in this context can also mean your “life.” So, are you the type of woman who builds her life with wisdom, or are you the woman who destroys her life because of her foolishness? A Proverbs 31 woman is a wise woman who gains her wisdom from God. She consults with God in every area of her life, and God leads her and guides her. She is a strong woman and has dignity. The Proverbs 31 woman is fearless and does not worry about what the future holds because her days are in God’s hands. She speaks wise words, and her husband trusts her decisions.
She is a good investor: Investment is an excellent financial plan; King Solomon in Ecclesiastes talked about investing because you do not know the day disaster may come upon you. Investing is an excellent way to build generational wealth for your family; it is a perfect way to be financially stable for when you retire. The Proverbs 31 woman is a woman who invests; verse 16 talks about her buying a plot of land and planting a vineyard. The fruits from that vineyard will bring in income for a very long time. As a modern woman, you need to have an investment portfolio; Invests in real estate, stocks, crypto, EFTs, bonds, etc.
If you possess all these characteristics, then you are a Proverbs 31 woman. All this is impossible without God. As women, we strive to do it all, but God has given us our duty, and He has given the man his responsibilities. But together, as husband and wife, you work towards a common goal. Continue in your relationship with God; always pray that God continues to mold you into the woman that He has created you to be.