What Are Your Goals In Life And How To Achieve Them
What Are Your Goals In Life?
Achieve your goals this year and beyond with these five easy steps. What might seem unattainable could be an easy task to accomplish if you implement these five steps to make your goals successfully and a reality. Most people start projects and abandon them because they lack consistency and diligence.
Diligence is a trait that you must train your self to acquire – it is synonymous with self-discipline. Say, for instance, you are looking to write a new book, but you start to write the first chapter, and you realize you don’t have the same enthusiasm you had when you first started to write the book. In this particular instance, you need to have the diligence to work hard towards completing your book.
It is easy to get tasks completed when you have someone checking in and verifying your work as in a boss or a supervisor – with this, you know you are accountable to someone. But in the case of working for yourself, you don’t have that accountability factor, so you are left to be self-responsible, and this is where a lot of people find difficulty staying in track and accomplishing their goals.
How To Achieve Your Goals
When you are left to account for yourself, procrastination can creep in because there is no one you are accounting to; you then find your self not finishing tasks, or you find one excuse after that other why you can not complete the job.
In this post, as you ask yourself What Are Your Goals In Life? I want to share how you can achieve your goals this year and beyond.
- Write out your goals – It is imperative to write out your goals and precise details, so you have an idea of what you want to do and how to accomplish it quickly.
As mentioned above, say you want to write a book. That is a great goal to accomplish and to help others with the knowledge you want to share. You can break down this goal into smaller parts so that it is not overwhelming, but instead, it is easy to start and stay on track.
- Start Small – It is best to start small, and what I mean with this is that you need to train your mind and make it easy for you to create and accomplish the smaller tasks. If writing your book within six months seems impossible to you, that is fine; instead, you can break that time into smaller bits; you can aim to finish one chapter of the book within two months if that create ease and you believe you can accomplish that goal in two months. The idea here is that you break your goals into smaller bits to make it easy for your mind to accept it, which propels you to want to work on said projects to accomplish them.
- Be Diligent – This is the most vital step to help you accomplish whatever goal you set for yourself. The definition of diligent is the constant effort to achieve something or being persistent in doing anything. With this in mind, you must wake up every day and work towards your goal – at this moment, nothing else matters but the need to accomplish the goal you have set before you. Suppose you find yourself spending more time on social media scrolling endlessly; In that case, you have mixed up priorities. You have to cut out the endless scrolling and use that time to work to achieve a micro goal, which will add up to achieving your bigger goal – turn off Netflix and work on your goals. Be diligent, be consistent, work, and accomplish a micro goal every day, and you will achieve your macro goal in no time.
- Commit Your Work To God – What Are Your Goals In Life? In Proverbs 16:9, the Bible talks about how we plan our course, but the Lord establishes our steps. Before you start a goal, check-in with the Lord that that particular goal is in His will for you. As you commit your plan to the Lord, whatever goal that is, the Lord will begin to guide your steps; he will give you ideas, opportunities will come to you as it pertains to the plan you are trying to accomplish, this makes it easy to start and finish your goal successfully. If you are looking to start a business, commit it to the Lord and watch how suddenly you have an idea to do something that takes you a step further to accomplishing your goal.
- Celebrate The Small Achievements – You do not have to accomplish that big project before you start to celebrate. As you complete those small projects successfully, you can show gratitude and Thanksgiving as this opens doors for you to accomplish more.
I hope these steps help you re-evaluate the goals you have put off because they seemed unsustainable. Remember, the takeaway is to start small, be diligent, and commit your goals to the Lord so that He will direct your steps. As you ask yourself, What Are Your Goals In Life?
You can get one-on-one life coaching with me. I help people get unstuck so that they can achieve their goals.