The 5 Ways To Experiencing Intimacy With God
Intimacy With God Feels Exclusive (Psalm 5)
Our relationship has to be with the one true God. The God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. The God to whom Jesus Christ prayed. The God who created the heavens and the earth. In the commandments, God explicitly said not to worship other gods besides Him, and God also said He is a jealous God. We must not worship any graven images but only worship the one true God; The God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
The relationship with God removes all other associations such as dead relatives, saints, angels. Exodus 21, 22.
As we submit ourselves into a relationship with God the Father, our intimacy with God grows more profound and more precious as the years go by – As the years go by, Experiencing Intimacy With God will feel exclusive. It will feel like no other relationship you have ever had.
A Relationship With God Feels Holy (Psalm 5:4-6)
Our relationship with God transforms us from the inside out and makes us a better person. A relationship with God provokes us to do better and to make an effort to eliminate evil in our lives. God is holy, pure, and without sin of any kind, and when we are exposed to Him in a relationship, we want to be like that too: we do away with our sinful nature.
A Relationship With God Feels Safe (Psalm 5:7)
God has promised us that He will never leave us nor forsake us (Hebrew 13:5). We are never alone; The Holy Spirit is in every believer. God is always with us. He was on earth as Jesus Christ, and when He departed the world after His ministry, He gave us a promise that The Holy Spirit will come on His believers (Acts 1:8).
(Romans 8:35) God will never stop loving us. Once you have a solid relationship with God, no one will ever take it away from you.
A Relationship With God Feels Sure (Psalm 5:8-9)
Our relationship with other people, be it friends or family members, can bring deceit, untrustworthy, jealousy, backstabbing, and gossip. With man, there is nothing reliable with what they say (Jeremiah 9:4). But in a relationship with God, we can trust every word that He says to be true. God’s word is always true; it is reliable, you can trust it with all your heart.
A relationship with God will let you know where God stands on all matters.
A Relationship With God Feels Joyful (Psalm 5:11-12)
Experiencing Intimacy With God is not always easy because, in the process, God begins to work inside and outside of you. God starts to refine you, prune you, and purge you, which is a painful process; But you come out of that process as pure gold. With this new, you, comes a joyful relationship with God, an intimate relationship you have never experienced before. A relationship with God is the only relationship designed to end in a joyful state; you get to spend eternity with God in Heaven after you die.
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