How To Achieve A Healthy Work-Life Balance In 3 Steps
What is work-life balance?
In my interpretation, work-life balance is the act of having fulfilling work that translates into your personal life. This includes your relationship with God, family, friends, and your community as a whole.
For example, we may know people who put work before everything else, and it ends up affecting their relationship with God, their spouse, and their children.
Some families and spouses feel neglected when one family member works long hours and therefore misses quality family time and important family events because their work-life is out of balance.
How Can We Achieve This Work-Life Balance?
Seek God And Talk To Him About Your Career: I advocate for parents to pick up on the talents and abilities of their children and help nurture them.
As parents, it is imperative to get your children ready for the future and the outside world. I say this to say that the innate abilities your children have are their path to their careers.
Likewise, as adults, we must know what our innate talents and abilities are. When we know what they are, it is easy to understand what career path we are to choose.
This career path helps us seek God and talk to Him about what He wants us to do with our work. Remember, we have to put God first in everything we do, and that includes our careers.
God will then lead us and direct us on what to do and the kind of work He wants us to do.
For example, work that will not make us stressed, work that edifies your community, bring glory to God, and work that allows for fellowship with your family.
Develop Your Innate Talents And Assess Your Skills: As I wrote in the earlier step, it is imperative to discover your innate talent and abilities. That is how you will find the path God wants you to take in your career.
When you discover your abilities, depending on what God has blessed you with, you may have to develop your talents. This may mean attending university, a vocational school, or a technical school.
For instance, God may have blessed you in math and science, and He is leading you to become a doctor; therefore, you will have to get your training and residency to become a doctor. Similarly, if God has blessed you to become a chef, you may decide to go to culinary school to improve your skills and talents.
To Summarize, we have to be active and work on our skills and talents. We have to develop them and use them for the purpose for which God has called us to do.
To expound more on innate talents and abilities, please read this article.
Unplug After Work Hours And Prioritize Rest: The Lord rested from His work of creation. Hence, The Lord took the day off on the seventh day, and He expects us to take time off from our work.
God created our body and mind to rest and recuperate; this is the reason why we have to sleep at night.
Moreover, when we don’t get enough hours to sleep, we get cranky, forcing the body to rest.
We have to prioritize rest; in this context, rest may mean different things to different people. For example, rest may mean unplugging from anything work-related and spending time with family.
You can rest after work, where you actively disconnect from your work phone. In addition, emails, and messages, and spend quality time with your family. You may also spend time with God studying the Bible or praying.
When working with God, He is active in your life and directs you on everything you do.
When you are fulfilled in your work, your mental space is healthy; you grow emotionally and spiritually, which translates into your personal life.
For counseling, please get in touch with us at lnjlifecoaching@gmail.com