5 Gentle Character Traits From Ruth Christian Women Can Learn
Ruth, the Moabites, was a woman who came from a pagan country and a pagan family, but God had a plan for her and her future. The sequence of events might not have played out smoothly, but non the less God still had a plan.
We might say the same for our current reality; you might not know how God will turn your situation around for the better because of the adversity you may be going through, but like David and Ruth, God has a plan to turn around your situation. Thus, the hardship that you may be going through is part of the stepping stone to your victory.
The story of Ruth began in Ruth Chapter 1 when famine came to the land of Judah; Elimelek and his family traveled to the land of Moab to seek greener pastures. But disaster strikes when in the land of Moab, Naomi loses her husband and two sons, leaving her alone with her two daughters-in-law – Ruth and Orpah.
Naomi then decides to return to Bethlehem – she asks her daughters-in-law to return to their families, but Ruth strongly objects and said these remarkable words – Ruth Chapter 1:16 But Ruth replied, “Don’t urge me to leave you or to turn back from you. Where you go I will go, and where you stay I will stay. Your people will be my people and your God my God.
Ruth was ready and determined to go with her mother-in-law wherever she will go and accepted the God of her mother-in-law.
So, Orpah returned to her family, while Ruth went to Bethlehem with Naomi.
Now, let’s look at some characteristic traits of Ruth that we can emulate today as Christian women.
5 Character Traits Of Ruth
Ruth Was A Pagan Who Decided To Follow The God Of Israel – This is faith coming from a woman who had worshipped idols her whole life until marrying into Naomi’s family. Ruth made a bold decision to follow Naomi to Bethlehem, a land she does not know, and to worship the God of Naomi. She did choose the right path, and God was about to use her in a monumental way that you and I will benefit from today (Jesus Christ our Savior) – and this came from one woman’s obedience.
Ruth Had Faith – Ruth exercised great faith – first moving country and not knowing what was waiting for her on the other side of the world. Ruth had faith when she decided to follow a God she did not see – this is such a contrast to the gods she used to worship that were carved images. In Hebrew 11:6 And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him.
Ruth’s faith led her to glean in the field of a man who would later become her husband. With faith and obedience, she followed Naomi’s counsel and instructions, which will change her life. Ruth’s faith is one that we should emulate as Christian women.
Ruth Was Hardworking – When Ruth and Naomi returned to Bethlehem, it was the beginning of barley harvesting Ruth 1:22. In Ruth Chapter 2, we see Ruth prepares to go to the fields to pick up leftover grains. However, when I read Ruth Chapter 2:3, All I see is God’s leading and providence; there were other fields that Ruth could have walked into, but with the Power Of God, Ruth walked into the field of Boaz. Ruth Chapter 2:3 “So she went out, entered a field and began to glean behind the harvesters. As it turned out, she was working in a field belonging to Boaz, who was from the clan of Elimelek.”
Ruth immediately went to work when she arrived at Bethlehem. She told Naomi to let her go to the fields and pick up the leftover grains behind anyone in whose eyes she found favor. And God being so good, Ruth went into the field of Boaz. As she was busy working, Boaz arrived from Bethlehem to greet the harvesters. As he was talking with his workers, he noticed Ruth and asked who she was – and the workers told him who she was. So Boaz approached her, and he was very kind to her; read Ruth Chapter 2 for the whole story. But the moral of the story is that Ruth worked hard to provide food for her and Naomi, but through Ruth’s hard work, God was also working things out behind the scenes.
Ruth Was Obedient – Ruth showed such obedience towards her mother-in-law. After she met with Boaz, she told Naomi what happened in the field. Naomi said that Boaz is their close relative; he is one of our guardian-redeemers Ruth 2:19-20. With the help of God, Naomi knew that there was an opportunity for a relationship between Ruth and Boaz.
In Ruth Chapter 3, Naomi starts orchestrating what will become the marriage between Ruth and Boaz. Noami tells Ruth that she must find a home for her where she will be well provided for. She tells Ruth to wash and put on perfume and head down to the threshing floor and not let Boaz know she was there until he finished eating and drinking; these were particular instructions. This is how the conversation went between Ruth and Naomi Ruth Chapter 3:3-5 – Wash, put on perfume, and get dressed in your best clothes. Then go down to the threshing floor, but don’t let him know you are there until he has finished eating and drinking. 4 When he lies down, note the place where he is lying. Then go and uncover his feet and lie down. He will tell you what to do.”
5 “I will do whatever you say,” Ruth answered. In the following verses, we see that Ruth did everything Noami told her and that obedience unfolded a sequence of events that will change both Ruth and Naomi’s life.
Ruth’s Obedience Brought Blessings: Sometimes, we might be waiting for our blessings to come to fruition, but most often, our blessings will manifest only after we are obedient to what is required of us. What if Ruth did not take Naomi’s counsel? Things might have turned out differently. But, Ruth was obedient and did everything Naomi told her to do, and in Chapter 4 Of Ruth, we witness the marriage between Ruth and Boaz. The marriage between Ruth and Boaz will produce a child who was a blessing to Naomi and everyone. That child named Obed will become the grandfather of the great King David, who will become an ancestor to Jesus Christ. What an amazing story.
As women of God, it is imperative to have a genuine relationship with God and be led by The Holy Spirit. We have to live out our life with faith as the bedrock, for we can not please God if we live our lives faithless. We have to be hard workers, either doing what God has called us to do or working hard in our professions. And, also know that your obedience to God will bring you greater blessings than you can ever imagine.