Women Of The Bible Who Walked In Their Calling And Purpose With Diligence Part 2
Women Of The Bible
In our last blog post, we read about the women God called to fulfill a particular assignment. We read about the work of Ruth, Mary (the mother of Jesus Christ), and Priscilla. God used these women in powerful ways to advance the kingdom of God.
In this post, we will conclude our lesson on the women of the bible and how God used them for His Purpose. We will look at Esther and Deborah’s lives.
Esther: Esther is one of my favorite women in the bible. She is a strong woman and has strong faith in God. Esther was an orphan, and her cousin Mordecai had brought her up as his daughter. The Israelites at the time were taken captive to Babylon by King Nebuchadnezzar. In Esther’s time, The King at that time was King Xerxes. King Xerxes was married to Queen Vashti, but one day, the King has a banquet and ordered his wife, the Queen, to be paraded around for his friends to see her. The Queen despised what the King wanted her to do, so she runs away.
After Queen Vashti’s departure, it was time to crown a new Queen. Many women were brought to the harem to get prepared to meet the King. The women went under twelve months of beauty treatments before they were presented to the King, and the King will have to choose which woman he will like to be his Queen. God was with Esther, and she found favor with God so that when it was her turn to see the King, the King was immediately attracted to her (Esther 2:17) more than all the other women, and she won his favor and approval. So the King set a royal crown on her head and made her Queen.
Esther’s Purpose
Now, something terrible was about to go down, which would affect the Israelites significantly and eradicate them. Mordecai got wind of Haman’s plans to kill all the Jews and immediately told Esther about Haman’s plans. Mordecai pleaded with Esther for her to take up the matter, for who knows that Esther was brought to the palace for such a time as this (Esther 4:14). Esther planned to go and see the King, but it was against custom for anyone to see the King without the King summoning them, not even the Queen. If anyone appeared before the King without an invitation, that person was to be put to death.
Because of this, Esther called for a three-day fast before she would appear before the King to present her case. All of Israel went on a three-day fast. Esther said, When this is done, I will go to the King, even though it is against the law. And if I perish, I perish (Esther4:16). Esther showed such great faith, knowing that God will be with her when she went to see the King.
In the last chapters of Esther, we read that Haman’s evil plot turned on him, and he was hanged and died in the same gallows he had prepared for the Jews. All this was because of the bravery and faith of Esther. Esther saved her people, the Jews, and Purim was established.
We learn from the book of Esther that God called her and placed a great anointing and favor on her life. God led Esther to the palace and caused the King to pick her out of all the hundred’s of beautiful women. Esther became a Queen at a divinely appointed time to discover the plot of Haman to kill the Jews, and God worked through Esther to save the Jews.
Esther demonstrated deep, unwavering faith, fear of God, courage, bravery, and obedience.
Deborah: Deborah was the only woman to judge the Israelites in the book of Judges. When Deborah judged Israel, The Lord gave the Israelites into the hands of the Canaanites and to their King Jabin. Sisera, Jabin’s army commander, oppressed the Israelites and the Israelites cried out to The Lord for help. The oppression went on for twenty years. Deborah was judging at her court, which was located in Ephraim; the Israelites will go and see her and present their cases to her. One day, she sent for Barak and told Him that The Lord would deliver Sisera’s into his hands. In (Judges 4) we see that The Lord acted on His word and gave Sisera and his army into Barak’s hands and their King Jabin. God used Deborah to provide instructions to Barak, and Barak followed those instructions, and because of their obedience, God destroyed the Canaanites.
God called Deborah to become a prophet and a judge for the Israelites. Deborah demonstrated faith, courage, obedience, and submission.
These women were women of faith, and both Esther and Deborah answered the call when God called. Esther and Deborah were fearless, brave, and had immense courage.
Has God called you to a specific purpose? Know that when God calls you for His purpose, He will equip you to do the work He has called you to do. You will need faith to trust God because your assignment might seem like it is too big for you. You might have to work against big entities, and it will seem impossible, but have faith and trust in God. The people of the bible that God used had to work against the odds, but God worked through them for His glory. If you allow God to use you, He will use you to accomplish great things for His glory. Let us aspire to live our calling like the Women Of The Bible.