The Plan Still Stands No Matter What
For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. (Jeremiah 29:11)
This Bible Verse is a beautiful promise that The Lord speaks over His children. But why does it seem as if a lot of Christians live lives that deviate far from this promise of God? Most Christians live from paycheck to paycheck and find it very difficult to live the life that God has planned for them.
With everything that The Lord does, the enemy is also there to corrupt it; Let’s look at the first example of the Garden of Eden. God created the Garden and was glad to put people in the Garden to tend to the Garden and reproduce to fill the earth. There were concessions and rules to follow, such as not eating from the Tree Of The Knowledge Of Good And Evil, For when they (Adam and Eve) ate from the tree, they will certainly die.
This instruction was clear from The Lord, and God knew that there would be consequences when Adam and Eve disobeyed His commands. God’s original plan was for mankind to have direct fellowship with Him. The enemy destroyed that, but the plan still stood because, through Jesus Christ, we can have direct fellowship with God.
Now, I want to talk a bit about how the enemy works to disrupt God’s plans with subtle lies that he speaks into our minds. Remember, our minds are a battlefield where the enemy goes and try to lie and mislead us. That is why we have to guard our hearts and minds at all times. We have to learn how to put on the armor of God and have it on at all times.
When God Calls You
If you have heard the call of God and are walking obediently in the plans of God and what He has called you to do without any hindrance, then I am glad you have heeded to your Calling and doing the work God has given you. But sometimes, it is not as easy to walk in your Calling when the enemy tries to sidetrack you. But, God is faithful with His Grace and Mercy, and His Plan Still Stands No Matter What.
We see how the enemy works when he lies to you and twists God’s words.
A prime example is when the enemy deceived Eve in the Garden of Eden by saying that “you will not certainly die” (Genesis 2:4) when God has said that “for when you eat from it you will certainly die.” (Genesis 2:17)
The enemy is on a mission to destroy everything that God is building, which is true for us (God’s children). No one is exempt from his lies. The enemy tried to deceive Jesus when Jesus was getting ready to start His earthly ministry (Matthew 4:1-11), but the light overcame the darkness.
How does this apply to us? I believe that The Lord calls us to do work in this world. Sometimes you have an initial desire in your heart to do a certain thing, and you know that this desire is from The Lord. Remember that when The Lord calls you, He will also equip you to do that work. When the enemy tries to derail you with lies, he will speak to your minds, just as he did to Eve.
The enemy might say things like, this work is too big for you to do, you are not qualified enough for this work, how will you make money doing this work, you don’t have the time to do this work. Sometimes the enemy will corrupt the work that God has called you to do by making you think that you can add your ideas to what God wants you to do, which will derail you from the original plan. The enemy comes to lie, kill and destroy. You have to have discernment.
But, God is faithful with His Grace and Mercy, and if God has called you to work for Him, know that The Plan Still Stands No Matter What. All the enemy can do is delay the plan, but he can not destroy it.
How Can You Get Back To The Plan If You Have Derailed
Go back to basics. What was the original plan that God placed on your heart. What did He tell you to do that you have derailed from or yet abanded altogether? Go back to the drawing board and write everything down.
Ask God to forgive you and rededicate your will and plans to God. Know that if God has given you work to do, you are not doing it on your own strength, but God will equip you to do the work; so, don’t let the enemy lie to you and say you are not qualified for the work. God called you for that work because out of all the billions of people globally, you are the most qualified person to do the work.
Start working one day at a time and dedicate the work unto God. Let Him lead you and direct you with what to do. He will send the right people to help you and the right opportunities your way. Know that the work God has called you to do, is not necessarily for you, but it is for the advancement of The Kingdom Of God (your ministry) and for you to change someone’s life.
Work hard and be diligent. Pray and fast often. Make your relationship with The Lord your priority. Do not put the work God has given you before Him, do not let it become an idol. Study the life of Jesus and how He did His Work. Make sure you start well and finish well.
Remember, the talents that The Lord has given you, you will have to provide an account of it. Please read (Matthew 25:14-30)
Some great people in the bible did great work for The Lord. Noah, Moses, Joshua, Gideon, Paul, David, Jeremiah. Even though some were reluctant (Jonah), God still worked through them powerfully. If God has called you to work for Him, remember no matter what, The Plan Still Stands.
Has God called you to do work for Him, and you are struggling with what to do? Is the enemy speaking lies into your mind?
The Plan Still Stands.
We will like to help you get clarity. Please email us at lnjlifecoaching@gmail.com.