The Attributes Of God – Part 2

The Attributes Of God
The Truthfulness Of God
God is the God of truth and speaks only the truth. Truth is the way things actually are.
Truth is divine
Truth is absolute
Truth is objective
Truth is singular
Truth is immutable
Truth is universal
Truth is illuminating
The Wisdom Of God
Wisdom: God is all-wise, and that means that His choices always pursue the highest end. Along with this is the best means by which to arrive at the highest end. God is always doing things to promote His glory. God sets forth His own glory.
The wisest choice is always what will most glorify God. What will most magnify Him.
What Is The Wisdom Of God?
God always chooses the highest end and the best means to attain the highest end.
Where Do We See God’s Wisdom?
We see God’s wisdom in His creation.
We see God’s wisdom in His providence.
We see God’s wisdom in Salvation.
The Goodness Of God
God is charitable.
God is giving.
God is caring.
God is wealthy in goodness.
God is good to all creatures.
God is good to the whole earth.
God is good to unbelievers. Matthew 5:45 (NIV) God causes His sun to rise on the evil and good and causes rain to fall on the righteous and the unrighteous.
The Grace Of God
God is gracious. He delights in showing unmerited favor to us who are utterly undeserving of His goodness.
God’s grace is free: God’s grace is unmerited; you can not earn it. It can only be received as a gift.
God’s grace is eternal: God planned before time began to give His grace to His elected to those who are chosen in Christ.
God’s grace is sovereign: God chose His elect. He determines whom He would be gracious to. The grace of God is by one man Jesus Christ.
The Love Of God
The love that God demonstrates towards us is a love that first existed within God.
The Foreknowledge Of God
(Romans 8:29) God knows those whom He previously chose to love with a distinguishing love in ways that He does not love others. To know as the Bible describes is to set your heart upon or to love with distinguishing affection.
To Know means to enter into a personal saving, intimate relationship with Jesus Christ. Matthew 7:21-23 (NIV) “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. Many will say to me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name and in your name drive out demons and in your name perform many miracles?’ Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!’
The Wrath Of God
In God, there is a settled, determined indignation against all that is unholy.
What Is Wrath: To become heated up, to burn with fury, to become bitter, intense anger.
What Are The Categories Of God’s Wrath?
- Abiding Wrath: God’s wrath abides upon sinners. His mercy holds back His wrath.
- Consequential Wrath: When sinners sow their seed of immorality and impurity, there is reaping.
- Abandonment Wrath: God’s wrath expresses itself when the sinner repeatedly rejects the knowledge of God and the Gospel of Christ.
- Eschatological Wrath: The wrath of the last days.
- Eternal Wrath: The wrath of hell.
- Redemptive Wrath: As Jesus was crucified upon the cross as He bore our sins, suffered the wrath of God for you and me that you and I would never be subject to the condemnation and the wrath of Almighty God.
Thank you for reading our blog, and we pray that it blesses you. If you want part 1 of The Attributes Of God, you can read it in this blog post.
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The LNJ Life Coaching Team.