Staying Strong Amid The Covid-19 Pandemic
As we all know, the past year has been tough on every one of us. The pandemic has caused severe damage to our society and personal lives. I want to take this opportunity to extend my sympathy to anyone who has lost a loved one to this pandemic. I also want to encourage people to continue to take care of themselves, wear a mask, and abide by the social distancing guidelines. You might save a life with your precaution.
The pandemic has not only affected our society, but it has affected us personally, and also it has had a great deal of damage to our mental health. Studies show that suicides have been on the rise ever since the lock-downs started – and these are rates amongst young people. If you or anyone you know is suffering from the anxiety of the pandemic, please reach out to counselors who are on stand by to help you in any way possible. If you or anyone you know is suicidal, please reach out to the suicide hotline – National Suicide Prevention Lifeline.
Hours: Available 24 hours. Languages: English, Spanish.
We all need to relax and take care of ourselves and our sanity amid the Covid-19 Pandemic. There are some things that you can do to help you ease your mind. You can call loved ones who stay further away from you. You can listen to relaxing music and indulge in aromatherapy to help calm your mind. Take a walk and enjoy some air if you find yourself cooped up at home and begin to have cabin fever. These are a few things you can do to help ease from the tension of the covid-19 pandemic and the lockdown.