How To Overcome Unhealthy Fear And Live With A Sound Mind
The Fight Or Flight Response
Adrenaline and Cortisol are important hormones because they help the body protect itself from danger. These hormones are commonly known as ‘the fight or flight response’. They work like this; when you are faced with a frightening moment, your first response may be to fight or run away. These hormones help us to decide what to do and what happens is that our adrenaline shoots up and puts us in survival mode to protect us from danger.
In this respect, fear can be a good emotion because it helps us to make a safe and decisive decision. But fear can become unhealthy when our Adrenaline and Cortisol cause the fear center in the Amygdala to be active at all times.
Our Childhood And Traumatic Experiences
Very often, when people suffer from unhealthy fear, they may have experienced specific traumatic experiences in their childhood which may have an adverse effect on their mental health in the future. The most traumatic experience most adults may have faced growing up was growing up in a home with emotionally detached parents. Growing up in a home where parents were emotionally detached meant there were other traumatic experiences such as lack of communication, dismissive parents, strict parents, neglect, and parents who did not affirm their children.
These traumatic experiences may cause the child to grow up with unhealthy fear, anxiety, depression, insecurity, social anxiety, and co-dependency issues.
The Effects Of Unhealthy Fear
Unhealthy fear is very crippiling, and it puts a person in their comfort zone and robs them of the life that God has planned for them to live.
This reason is why the father-child relationship is essential. The relationship is supposed to nurture the child, so they grow up mentally and emotionally healthy. But on the other hand, the upbringing of the child should not cause trauma to the child, which can affect the child’s psychological development.
Trauma is a distressful situation that puts your body in survival mode via stress and fear hormones. Constantly being in fear has a detrimental effect on your mind and emotions. So again, your body works in survival mode to protect itself.
There Is More Happening Outside Of The Science
In extension, there is more activity going on in the mindset. So the Bible tells us in 2 Timothy 1:7 For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.
The spirit of fear can be very controlling, creating a stronghold in people’s minds. What is a stronghold? A stronghold of the mind is a lie that satan has established in our thinking that we count as true but is actually a false belief. These strongholds affect our attitudes, emotions, and behaviors.
How Does The Spirit Of Fear Operate?
The spirit of fear enters the mind through ongoing traumatic experiences and brings other spirits, such as anxiety, insecurity, depression, self-loathing, separation anxiety, social anxiety, or low-self esteem.
These spirits begin to form mental strongholds (that torment you and lie to you, their mission is to destroy you). (cause inhibitions-not allowing you to express yourself freely or be your true self) John 10:10 NIV The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.
Those strongholds are dominant thoughts such as (self-defeating thoughts, negative self-talk, intrusive thoughts, and self-sabotaging thoughts) these thoughts become a battle in the mind (the enemy uses fear to control people negatively via our thoughts)
These thought patterns affect our outlook on life, confidence, self-esteem, and self-worth.
Inhibitions Is A Greater Factor In Our Self-Confidence
Inhibitions are feelings of fear or embarrassment that make it difficult for a person to behave naturally. When a person suffers from inhibitions, it makes it very difficult to give their 100% because they believe they may not be good enough. Inhibitions are associated with fear, anxiety, low-self esteem, and low-self confidence.
How To Overcome Controlling Fear
Fear will cause you to depend on yourself instead of The Power Of God. Therefore, to overcome fear and have a healthy relationship with God, you will have to renew your mind actively.
Proverbs 4:23 NCV says Be careful what you think, because your thoughts run your life.
Here are some steps to take to heal from unhealthy fear.
- Fear and anxiety go hand in hand. Philippians 4:6-7 NIV says Do not worry about anything, but pray and ask God for everything you need, always giving thanks. And God’s peace, which is so great we cannot understand it, will keep your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.
- It is imperative to list all strongholds (negative thought patterns) and look for Bible verses that counteract those thoughts. Also, it is vital to pray and ask God to deliver your mind from the influence of any spirits that may be influencing your behavior or attitude.
- Follow the instructions and leading of The Lord in terms of how He will heal you. Through prayers, God will lead and guide you on what to do to bring deliverance and healing to your specific situation. Prayer therapy is very powerful in our healing.
- Part of your healing should include self-care work as well. When we engage in self-care work, we activate our ‘happy chemicals’; the four main chemicals are Oxytocin, Dopamine, Serotonin, and Endorphins. These chemicals help you move into a state of feel-good and a sense of well-being.
- Examples of activities that activate our ‘happy chemicals’. Prayer activates our Dopamine and enjoying the sunlight activates Serotonin. Also, Being in nature activates Dopamine, listening to classical music activates Dopamine, and aromatherapy activates Serotonin. Most sensory activities will trigger our ‘happy chemicals’.
In conclusion, overcoming unhealthy fear is possible, but it will take an active effort on our part to heal from the debilitating effects of unhealthy fear. If you or anyone you know may be struggling with fear, anxiety, depression, or other mental or emotional health issues, please get in touch with us at lnjlifecoaching@gmail.com