How To Heal From Childhood Trauma Caused By Emotionally Detached Parents
Unfortunately, most homes lack the essence of love and warmth which causes childhood trauma. Love and warmth is the emotional connection a human being needs to grow and thrive in a healthy way.
About 75% of adults have grown up in a home that lacked adequate emotional support. This reason is why there is a high demand for therapy and counseling.
The Home Needs A Complete Family Unit
God is very serious about the family unit; unfortunately, that same family unit is what the enemy seeks to destroy. That is why most families break apart; mainly, the home is a single-parent home with the father nowhere to be found, and this type of home was not the plan of God. The reason is that each parent has a role play in the child’s mental and emotional upbringing. Ephesians 5:21-33 and Ephesians 6:1-4 speak to how the home should look.
What Causes Transgenerational Trauma?
Parents often lack that emotional awareness because they grew up in households where their parents did not give them the emotional connection they needed. So having emotional trauma themselves, new parents may unknowingly or unconsciously bring up their children with that lack of emotional bond required for a human being to thrive. And if the child grows into an adult and does not seek help through counseling, they tend to pass on those same traits to their children, and this is what we call transgenerational trauma or generational curses. And you may see characteristics such as anxiety, depression, alcoholism that are common traits in the family line.
When a child grows up in a home with no emotional connection, they may have problems with their mental health, emotional health, and psychological health.
Often, parents assume all that is important is their financial responsibility, but what’s more vital in a child’s life is the emotional bond they create with their parents; those are memories that will stick with them for life.
The lack of emotional bond or connection may turn into the child feeling abandoned, insecure, having anxiety, low self-esteem, anger, resentment, being bitter, and a whole host of emotional and psychological issues in the future.
These issues may also lead to depression, PTSD, and the inability to have interpersonal relationships. In addition, it may also lead to behavioral problems such as arrogance or narcissistic personality.
Of course, the enemy will take this emotional void and cause people to fill the void in unhealthy ways; These may include turning to unhealthy relationships that may be abusive, alcoholism, sex, drugs, shopping addiction, promiscuity, and other unhealthy vices.
How To Overcome The Emotional Void And The Trauma It Caused
It is not easy to pinpoint where your emotional trauma stems from when you are an adult. However, if you believe something is not right and want help, you may contact us here.
Emotional Trauma Symptoms
However, suppose you are showing emotional trauma symptoms such as anxiety, insecurity, low self-esteem, lack of self-confidence, lack of interpersonal relationships, addictive tendencies, anger, depression, PTSD, fear, and panic attacks. In that case, you may need to see a counselor or therapist as soon as possible to help you resolve those issues.
How To Self Heal From Childhood Trauma Caused By Emotional Detachment
The First Step is to acknowledge what may have caused the trauma. In this case, we are talking about emotional detachment from parents or anyone who was a guardian to you while you were growing up. Acknowledgment is vital.
The Second Step is to forgive and involve God in the forgiveness process. The forgiveness process is very uncomfortable for most people because they have to dig up deep buried issues that hurt them, but it is also a vital step in healing. This reason is why I encourage people to involve God and pray and ask God to help them come to the point where they can forgive. In this case, we are forgiving a parent, and it is imperative to have in mind that most parents are also going through their emotional trauma and may not realize they have caused those traumas to you, so it is vital to have that in mind.
Forgiveness releases many unhealthy emotions such as resentment, hurt, anger, bitterness, malice, and anxiety. Again, we can see this in Ephesians 4:31-32.
Third Step After you have gone through the forgiveness process, you may have to work to demolish the mental strongholds the trauma has caused. First, ask yourself this question – what are my dominant thoughts?
What is a mental stronghold?
A mental stronghold is when you have dominant and recurring thoughts that shape your behavior in one way or the other. For example, a mental stronghold could be anxiety, fear, low self-esteem, etc.
The Bible tells us in 2 Corinthians 10:3-5 that God has the Divine Power to demolish strongholds and every unhealthy thought. In this case, to renew your mind, you will have to list what your dominant thoughts are and pray for God to demolish those thoughts. Pray using 2 Corinthians 10:3-5
Fourth Step, you will have to renew your mindset actively. The Bible states that “Above all else guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.” Proverbs 4:23 This verse tells us that whatever we constantly dwell on will become our reality. Changing our mindset when they are strongholds can be challenging, but it is possible with prayer and fasting and active scripture meditation.
Philippians 4:8 tells us to think on things that are noble, true, pure – of course; these may be foreign to you, but as you devote yourself to prayer, ask God to help you think on things that are pure, noble, trustworthy, and admirable. He will bring scenarios into your life to help you put this verse into practice.
The Last Step includes following God’s steps for your life. Before going through this healing from childhood trauma and transition, you may have been leading a particular lifestyle, but as you heal and become the person God has created you to be. God will begin to reveal to you who you are in His eyes. Also, He will start to lead you into His plans for your life. Jeremiah 29:11 says God has a plan for your life, and those plans are to prosper you and not to harm you, to give you hope and a future.
Following these steps will help you begin your journey to a place of healing and deliverance. If you need guidance on how to heal from childhood trauma, please email us at lnjlifecoaching@gmail.com