Why God Created Marriage And Its Connection To Jesus And The Church (Ephesians 5:21-33)
God put together the first marriage right from the beginning of creation. (In Genesis 2:21-25), we read about how God caused Adam to fall into a deep sleep; and while he was sleeping, God took one of his ribs and created his wife, Eve. When God had finished creating Eve, He brought the woman to Adam, and Adam said – This is now bone of my bone and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called ‘woman,’ for she was taken out of man. And the Bible said, “That is why a man leaves his father and mother and is united to his wife, and they become one flesh.” (Genesis 2:24)
God does not do anything without a purpose. The idea behind marriage is that God will build a fellowship between man and woman. When we read that Eve was taken from the side of Adam, i.e., his ribs, the woman is to be side by side with the man and be his helpmeet. A helpmeet means a companion or a partner. A husband is NOT an authoritarian figure above his wife, but instead, he is a partner and a companion to his wife.
The Purpose Of marriage
Marriage is a beautiful union. In the Bible, we see a couple of times where God, in His Sovereignty and leading, brought marriages together, where these marriages accomplished great purposes.
We see the marriage between
- Abraham and Sarah bringing forth Isaac
- Isaac and Rebekah bringing forth Jacob and Esau
- Ruth and Boaz bringing forth Obed
- Esther and King Xerxes this union helped save the lives of the Jews
- Jesus and The Disciples ( a model union we have to imitate)
When we look at the above unions, we can see that God puts people together for His ultimate Purpose. Also, in (Genesis 1:28), the Bible said, “God blessed them (man and woman) and said to them, “Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it.” So one of God’s fundamental Purposes for marriage is for married couples to have children and populate the earth. (Isaiah 45:18 NIV) For this is what the Lord says—
he who created the heavens,
he is God;
he who fashioned and made the earth,
he founded it;
he did not create it to be empty,
but formed it to be inhabited—
he says:
“I am the Lord,
and there is no other.
What Does Marriage Look Like In The Eyes Of God?
- God ordains marriage, and it is a reflection of the relationship between Jesus Christ and the Church. When people look at your marriage, they should see how Jesus Christ and the Church Interacted with each other.
- The husband represents Jesus Christ, whiles the wife represents the Church.
- The husband has to be given respect, while the wife has to be loved.
- Your marriage should be a ministry that leads people to Christ.
If you are single, it is vital to seek God if you are looking to get married. Both partners may have their callings from God, but God has a greater purpose for your union as a married couple. God knows who the right person is for you, who will help you bring God’s Purpose to pass. God creates Fruitful unions.
Through the union of Ruth and Boaz, we have Obed, who will become an ancestor of King David, whose line will be traced down to Jesus Christ. (Ruth 4:13-22) (Luke 3:21-37)
As married couples, what is God’s Purpose for your marriage?
When we read (Ephesians 5:21-33), God gives us an outline of Christian marriage –
- Both husband and wife have to submit to each other out of reverence and respect for Christ.
- Wives have to submit themselves to their husbands, as they have submitted themselves to God.
- Husbands have to love their wives, just as Christ loved the Church. This kind of love is sacrificial love. Husbands have to love their wives as they love their own bodies.
- The wives have to respect their husbands.
If married couples follow this outline, it creates an atmosphere of blessings in the marriage. Although there will be misunderstandings in the marriage from time to time, they will withstand the storms together through Jesus Christ.
Your marriage hierarchy has to be
- God
- Jesus Christ
- The husband
- The wife
- The children
If you are a single person looking forward to marriage, begin praying for your spouse. Ask God to lead you to the person He has specifically chosen for you. And ask God about his Purpose for your marriage. Pray for your future marriage as well.
If you are married, do you know the Purpose of why God brought you and your spouse together? Are you living out your marriage according to the will of God?