Life Transformation Coaching
Our life coaching program helps people change their life by following fundamental principles that have been afforded us since the beginning of time. If you have a mental stronghold, unhealthy repetitive thoughts, emotional pain, those can block you from living the fulfilling life you have been created to live – our life coaching addresses such issues, plus more.
The benefits of using a Life Coach
Resolve ConflictsWe will guide you to resolve conflicts and confusion, overcome negative self-defeating thoughts, ally self-doubt, make decisions, and pave the path towards the realization of your dreams and goals.
Help To Step Out Of Your Comfort ZoneWe will help you analyze your life’s different aspects and then focus on a specific area. In general, guidance and overcoming the negative emotions in any area of your live is extremely important. Life coaching can do wonders for those people who due to lurking limiting beliefs feel very uncomfortable with stepping out of their comfort zone.
Discover Your Core ValuesWe will help you to upgrade your life and also discover more about your self. We will ask critical questions that will help unlock your potential, lead you to your calling/purpose in life and offer clues to your inner beliefs and motivation.

We begin our life coaching sessions with the forgiveness process. We believe it is a fundamental principle to release hurt and anger and open up our selves to opportunities and a relationship with God. During the forgiveness process, we will address past hurts and conflicts that have been caused by external factors or yourself and how they may be influencing your life currently. We will work to resolve all conflicts and help you move forward in life.
Our approach
IdentifyWe help you to identify the genesis or the root cause of your hurt and pain.
AssessmentWe help you to assess how such hurt may be influencing your life currently. Do you feel negative emotions? Have you built defense mechanisms to protect yourself? Do you feel stuck in life? We will assess all these and help you turn them around.
Forgiveness ProcessAfter we have identified and assessed the situation, we are better prepared to move on with the forgiveness process. This process will help you release all emotions, and we will help you keep those emotions from coming back. This release will help you gain clarity, peace of mind, and the freedom to have a happy and fulfilled life.
Overcome Emotional Trauma
We work with people who have experienced emotional trauma and have caused them to build up negative defense mechanisms that prevent them from living a full life. Some defense mechanisms include fear, anxiety, insecurity, hopelessness, lack of self esteem, self-doubt, suicidal thoughts, irritability, plus more.
Healing From Emotional Trauma
Resolve all mental blocksMost emotional trauma stems from the mind. That is what leads to unhealthy mental health. If you mind is not healthy, it affects all areas of your life. We will help you pull down all mental stronghold that makes you feel like you are ‘going round the mountain’ and not moving ahead in life.
Move on with clarityHealing from emotional trauma and mental blocks helps you gain clarity and heals your psyche which helps you to gain confidence and trust. This process will change your life from the inside which will reflect on the outside.
Guidance into your callingAs you gain clarity, you will also move into purpose and discover your ‘calling.’ Our Life Transformation Coaching guides you into finding your ‘calling’ and what God has designed for you to do.