How Trauma May Affect A Person’s Perception
We define perception as the organization, identification, and interpretation of sensory information in order to represent and understand the presented information or environment.
How Can Trauma Affect Our Perception?
Primarily, when we endure traumatic situations, some more severe than others, it may affect our thought patterns and cause us to have convictions about certain situations. When we hold onto our tightly held convictions, sometimes it may be hard to change them, and these beliefs become your perceptions. When you interact with other people concerning the same issue, you may have a different view from the other person.
In most cases, your tightly held convictions make it very difficult to see the other person’s opinion, which may leave you feeling as if nobody understands you.
We hear people saying, ‘people don’t understand me,’ and they may feel this way because of their perception or convictions. So it’s all about how you think and how you think may be due to your traumatic experiences.
For example, suppose you grew up in a home where your parents were emotionally detached. In that case, that lack of affection may affect you, and years later, you may struggle to form an affectionate relationship because of your perception when it comes to showing affection.
How Do Our Convictions Affect Our Outlook On Life?
We tend to view things differently, and it may feel like an attack when others do not agree with our point of view; you may feel misunderstood.
Having a firm conviction is seeing things differently than other people see them. In addition, it may mean you may be set in your ways and think it’s either my way or no way.
Signs Of A Person Who May Feel Misunderstood
Because firmly held convictions may result from trauma, a person may feel unheard, which may cause them to become angry when having a dialogue or cause them not to want to engage with other people because they may not trust their own judgment. This may cause isolation and loneliness.
Other Traumatic Experiences That May Cause A Person To Feel Misunderstood
When children are not allowed to express themselves freely, they may grow up and feel unheard. Also, children who are constantly criticized may feel unheard. In effect, people may use a coping mechanism when they feel like they are not being heard, which may result in angry outbursts and other emotional expressions.
How Can We Heal From Convictions Or Perceptions Caused By Trauma?
The Word Of God tells us in Romans 12:2 CEV to renew our minds. This is what the verse says, “Don’t be like the people of this world, but let God change the way you think. Then you will know how to do everything that is good and pleasing to Him.” This verse tells us to change the way we think so that we can know what to do to please God.
We must renew our minds to align with God’s Will for our lives. What is the Will of God? Every law, command, and principle written in the Bible is the Will of God.
How Do We Renew Our Minds?
We begin to renew our minds through prayer, meditate on Bible Verses, and apply those verses to our daily lives.
To begin renewing our minds, the number one principle we have to adhere to is found in Philippians 4:6-7 which says, “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”
The keywords we have to focus on are –
- Do not be anxious about anything. Meaning that whatever you are worried and afraid of, you must let go of that fear and worry.
- In every situation, by prayer and petitions (request), God is telling us to present those requests to Him. And this means EVERY situation you might think is hopeless. God can turn that situation around.
- As we pray, we give our requests to God and must thank Him, knowing that our prayers are already answered.
- As we do this, the promise attached to this principle is that the peace of God that transcends all understanding will overtake our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.
Meditate, pray the verses below, and apply them to your daily living.
- Be careful what you think because your thoughts will run your life. We can meditate on this verse in Proverbs 4:23
- We must take captive every thought, perception, conviction, and pretentious thought raised against God’s will and surrender it to God. We must cast down and overcome every stronghold. We can use 2 Corinthians 10:3-6 to pray over our minds to overcome our convictions.
- Meditate on Romans 12:2 and ask The Holy Spirit to help you to renew your mind so that you can walk according to the Will of God and be led by The Holy Spirit.
- Lastly, begin exchanging every false conviction with God’s truth as you renew your mind. For example, if your convictions are that you are not good enough, begin to renew your mind by praying and meditating on Psalm 139:13-14 which tells us that God created us fearfully and wonderfully. Always meditate on the truth of God and the promises of God. When you do that daily for months, your mindset will begin to change, your perception will start to change, and it will begin to reflect in your behavior, attitude, decision-making, and overall outlook on life.
If you need to talk to a psychologist, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us at linlifecoaching@gmail.com