How God Revealed My Identity To Me
I remember praying and asking God to reveal who I am to me; My real identity, the way He sees me. I said that prayer a couple of times, and I let it go; little did I know that God was going to answer me in a very unconventional way.
I am not sure how long ago I said the prayer; it might have been six months prior or more. But God sure did answer my prayer.
So, what is the definition of identity? Identity is defined as “the fact of being who or what a person or thing is.”
I asked God to reveal who I was, my identity to me, and not what my environment has shaped me up to be.
The Pre-Quel Leading Up To The Reveal
One Saturday morning, as I laid in bed praying and worshiping God, I heard The Lord say to me, “Movie Night – Divergent,” so immediately, I knew God was going to be talking to me about something. I have heard of this movie, but I was not familiar with it. So again, I did a google search and was like, ok God, You want us to watch this movie tonight, I mean, this is not a movie I would have picked up from a line-up, but I was excited that The Lord wanted to speak to me and I also get to spend some quality and intimate time with Him.
So Saturday night came; I got some snacks and proceeded to watch the movie. I watched the movie and got a vague idea of what The Lord was trying to tell me through the film. The film was about how a futuristic world divided people into groups and gave them labels, but some people did not belong to any group, and the leaders in the society saw them as a threat. I did not get the complete revelation of what God was trying to tell me, But God came through the next day and spoke to me in a great way.
So the next day, I was on youtube, and I saw a video titled ” What are Spiritual Gifts: Gift Of Teaching Demo (Divergent Movie Interpretation), and this was on a Christian Channel. I was blown away and knew that God was trying to give me a complete revelation. The video provided a Christian and prophetic interpretation of the movie, and this was when God began speaking to me and revealing to me who I am in His eyes.
More About The Divergent Movie Which Will be A Segue Into My Testimony
The movie Divergent is set in a futuristic world in a society that is divided into five factions. As each person enters adulthood, they must choose a faction and commit to it for life. Tris, the main character in the movie, is a sixteen-year-old who chooses the faction Dauntless. Dauntless is the faction for people who pursue bravery above all else. However, her initiation leads to discovering that she is a Divergent and will never fit into just one faction.
The five factions include
Dauntless: These are the brave people who show fearlessness and determination. They don’t give up in the face of adversity.
Amity: These people are all about peace and friendly relationships. They love fellowship.
Abnegation: These people are selfless and deny themselves. They put other people before themselves. They are not selfish.
Erudite: These people show excellent knowledge and love to learn.
Candor: These people value honesty, sincerity, and they are frank.
With this in mind, I began to realize that God was answering my prayer about what my identity is. So, I read about who a Divergent person or thinker is.
Who Is A Divergent Person Or A Divergent Thinker
A Divergent tend to be different or develop in another direction. A Divergent person is a person who thinks in an exceptionally creative way. This type of person comes up with more than one way to describe something or more than one way to implement something. A Divergent person thinks outside the box, which is true to my personality because I am a non-conformist and do not like following trends. I like to carve my way and create new paths and ideas. Divergents have an uncanny ability to come up with free-flowing ideas and problem-solving insights in a short amount of time. This description describes me to a T. But sometimes, I feel my ideas are too weird, and I don’t implement them, but God also spoke to me about being “weird” and how that makes me unique. He talked to me about this in another unconventional way, and I might talk about it in another post.
I believe The Lord was answering my prayer by talking to me through this movie. It is incredible how God speaks to us in various ways and different forms. I believe The Lord was telling me that I am the type of person who does not conform; I am fearless, intellectual, brave, a strong woman, a leader, selfless, and peaceful. I recognize some of these traits within myself, but some come as a surprise to me. Incredibly, that is how God sees me, and that is my identity in the sight of God. I am a Divergent who does not conform to what society says; I am a free thinker.
I would never see myself as a leader or fearless (because I have struggled with fear in the past) or considered myself brave.
So, in short, my prayer to The Lord asking Him to reveal myself to me, God, had me watch the movie Divergent, and God spoke to me through the film. This revelation is fantastic, and I love how God speaks to us in the most unconventional ways. The movie Divergent will not be my first pick in a line-up, so when God said “movie-night, Divergent” and I googled to see what it was, I knew God was about to reveal something huge to me because I know God does not do anything without a reason and purpose.
Have you asked God to reveal your identity to you?
What are some of the most unconventional ways The Lord has spoken to you?
Share your comments in the comment section.