What Does It Mean To Seek Validation?
What Does It Mean To Seek Validation? Take some time to ponder this question. In Galatians 1:10, it talks about whether we are trying to win the approval of God or human beings. Seeking validation from people only gives them the upper hand over you and your feelings, it stunts your personal growth, and it keeps you trapped. If you have a goal or a vision, God gave that vision to you; your validation should only come from Him. We tend to seek approval from parents, friends, family members, and people who don’t understand our purpose, and in some cases, they secretly do not support our drive – this breeds insecurity and low-self esteem. Don’t allow another person to dictate your self-worth. It is time to stop seeking validation and start living the life God has purposed you to live without apologizing for it – only when you begin to live your life void of who approves of it or not, then you will start to live a happy and empowered life.
What Does It Mean To Seek Validation?