
  • Networking Tips

    4 Essential Networking Tips for Aspiring Entrepreneurs

    Putting yourself out there can be intimidating, but think of it as an investment for your business. After all, there is nothing like networking to help your business grow and succeed. You’ll benefit from advice, information, and referrals when you make the right connections. So how can you get out there and network? LNJ Life Coaching shares four essential tips.  1. Prioritize Networking off the Bat Entrepreneurs get pulled in a whole bunch of directions when running a business. Once you’ve gotten your business off the ground, you may be tempted to put off networking for later. We’d argue that it is more prudent to do the opposite – get networking before you…

  • business plan

    Startup Business Plan Template

    A Business Plan is a blueprint of where you want your business to be in the next three to five years and how you want to make that happen. If you are looking to start a business, this comprehensive business plan should help you write out everything you need on paper, which will serve as a road map for your business. This business plan has everything and the main points to add to your business plan so that it serves as the genesis of your business, and you can go back to it and adjust as your company grows.  This business plan format includes an executive summary, company description, market…

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