5 Steps To Take When Preparing To Walk In Your Calling
Preparing To Walk In Your Calling
For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. (Jeremiah 29:11 NIV)
“For many are invited, but few are chosen.” (Matthew 22:14 NIV)
Your Call may come in a different way to the other person. The Lord deals with us in His perfect way and a unique language. My Call came when I was at the darkest point in my life, and my reality was bleak. In my depressed state, The Lord saw it fit to tell me that I have Work to do, and that was the beginning of something beautiful God started to work in me and Preparing To Walk In my Calling.
In this post, I want to share a few steps of what to do when you hear the Call from God and what you might expect along the way as The Holy Spirit begins to work in you and get you ready for the Work God has called you to do.
The Call: This first step is pretty obvious but comes differently for every one of us. Some may hear the Call from God and avoid it because they feel they are not qualified to do what God is asking them to do, and others who hear the Call may wonder how it is going to happen because of their present situation.
Believe that God called you a long time ago before you were even born. God has already provided what you need on the journey He is calling you to go on, so there is no need to wonder how things will work out. Remember, God, Calls us to fill various positions in the world. Your Call does not necessarily mean you are going to be a pastor preaching in a church building. God may call you to become a nurse, teacher, musician, engineer, hairstylist, farmer, whatever the position is; God knows how He will use you to impact The Kingdom of God.
Surrender: The next step, which is the toughest, is surrendering our will to God and letting Him begin to direct our steps. The flesh fights so hard to surrender To God because it is human nature to want to follow our own plans. But as children of God, when we surrender to God, we are saying to Him we trust Him, and we have faith in Him. God’s plan for our life is for Him to prosper us and give us hope and a future. When you surrender and allow God to take over your life, the Work begins, and The Holy Spirit starts to prune you for the Work that is at hand. Just like with any new job, prospective employees go through training before they hire them. It is the same with God; He prunes you and trains you for the Work at hand. It is imperative to surrender your life to God so that He can begin working in you both spiritually and physically.
Here is a prayer you can say to surrender to God. Credit via Bible Knowledge
In the name of Jesus, I am now willing to place my body, my soul, my spirit, and my entire life into Your hands. I now ask that You place me into Your perfect will and plan for my life.
Father, from this moment on, I will choose to stay fully surrendered to You all the days of my life, and will allow You to lead and direct my life in the direction that You will want it to go in.
Thank you Father.
Thank you Jesus.”
This prayer said with a sincere heart is the beginning of a changed life and for God to start working in you.
Pruning & Sanctification: After you have fully surrendered to God, The Holy Spirit will now take you on a journey of cleansing, purification, and sanctification. I must caution you that this process is not easy because The Lord is removing all the dead things in your life; He is cleansing your spirit and soul of all the grime and dirt you have picked up in the course of your life. At this stage, The Holy Spirit will lead you in prayers, fasting, worship. Your dream life will become intense. You will notice that the enemy’s attack will also become more intense than you have ever experienced; This is because the enemy realizes that The Lord is preparing you for a greater purpose for The Kingdom Of God. And the enemy is scared of your transition, so he will fight your change fiercely.
This period is the darkest you might ever experience in your life, but know that God Almighty is with you all the way. You might have the urge to give up, but please don’t give up. Your trail at this point is building your faith and character for the position God is getting ready to usher you into for the Kingdom.
The pruning part may take longer than you think. My process took me about a year and a half into two years, and yes, halfway into this process, I wanted to give up because it was very intense. But God was with me through it all, and I heard Him tell me not to give up and that He God has not given up on me, and that is what gave me the strength to keep going.
Preparation: Your relationship with God should be building up closer and closer. Begin to ask God His plans for your life. Begin to ask God for the blueprint of what He is calling you to do in your Work. God might call you to be a teacher, but that does not mean that you will teach at just any school. Ask God where He wants you to teach; you might have to move from your current location to somewhere else to teach; God will pinpoint a particular school He wants you to teach at, and there is always a purpose to what God does. Be in constant prayer and fasting, and worship. Develop a deeper relationship with God and let Him guide you to what He wants you to do. The preparation part is also vital because you will not have the clarity of the Work you are to do without it.
The Work Begins: The Lord is faithful to His words, and whatever His plans are for your life, He will bring it to an expected end. Continue to surrender your plans to God. The Work is not yours, but it is God’s Work, and He has chosen you as a vessel to work through. Be obedient to what He wants you to do; the enemy will still try to corrupt the Work. Be discerning and mindful. Go with the original plan God placed on your heart; the enemy will try to put lies in your mind regarding your Work, be discerning, and take all doubts and fears to God through prayers and fasting. Build with God. The verse below is a beautiful bible verse where The Lord talks about building. When we build alone, everything we do is in vain, but our Work is blessed and fruitful when we build with The Lord.
“Unless the Lord builds the house,
the builders labor in vain.
Unless the Lord watches over the city,
the guards stand watch in vain.
In vain you rise early
and stay up late,
toiling for food to eat—
for he grants sleep to those he loves.” (Psalm 127:1-2 NIV)
I pray this will help you if you are in your season of Preparing To Walk In Your Calling.
We offer guidance and counsel and will be glad to help you. Please contact us at lnjlifecoaching@gmail.com