8 Best Pieces Of Career Advice For Women Who Want To Live A Purposeful Life
If possible, women should seek to work either working from home or stepping into the corporate world – God encourages us women to work and contribute to our household. When we read Proverbs 31:10-31, we see that the woman described in this Epilogue is a woman who works a lot, and you may wonder how she gets time to take care of her family. She rises early in the morning and works until late into the night – This is not to say that we have to do the same thing, but the Bible encourages us to find something to do with our hands and not be idle.
This blog post will discuss five career advice for women we can glean from the Bible.
8 Career Advice For Women From The Bible
Let God Lead You In All Your Decisions: God created us to worship Him, and that includes honoring Him with our lives and everything that makes our lives. So when we make decisions, we have to make decisions that bring honor to God. The same goes with our career decisions; God already has a plan for what He wants us to do, which will bring glory to Him and serve others; when you feel like it is time to start a career or change your career path, God is the first person to consult (Matthew 6:33). What you do is to constantly consult with God in prayer and ask Him what His plans for you regarding your career are, and listen as God leads you in the direction that He will have you go. You may have to fast and pray for this revelation from God, but God will answer your prayers because it is essential to God that you step into the right career path.
Discover Your Innate Talents And Abilities: Discovering your innate talents and abilities is the first way to know the path that God wants you to go when it comes to your career choice. We are all given skills and talents; some people utilize their innate talents (Matthew 25:14-30) and become successful at what they do, while others go into career paths that do not align with their strengths and find that their work is unfulfilling. The best way to know your innate talents is to think back to when you were little, what you always wanted to do when you grew up. Secondly, think about that one work that you can do even if you were not getting paid for it – you may be able to decern what God may be calling you to do, but again involve God in this decision (Ephesians 2:10).
Many college-aged students get lost when it comes to picking a career path, and they end up choosing a career that their parents prefer for them, or worse yet, a career that they think will make them the most money, only to build a career path that they despise.
Some of the innate talents include
Critical thinking
Whatever your talent is, consult with God to help you establish the right career path.
Seek The Right Training To Develop Your Skills: Our innate skills are like natural resources that you find hidden in the ground; you still have to refine them to become functional. For example, when you find gold or diamond, they have to go through the refining process to become valuable commodities where we get our diamond rings and gold jewelry.
The same goes for our innate skills and abilities; you have to develop, refine, train, and sharpen them before you can use them. So, therefore, this can mean going to training school, vocational school, university, whatever the appropriate educational system is, you go there and get the proper training to use your abilities and skills in your career successfully.
Seek Counsel: As you start your career, there may be people who have been in your industry and build successful careers, don’t hesitate to introduce yourself, and in the process, you may find a mentor or counselor who will teach you how to start your career and give you sound advice on the pitfalls to avoid in your career. In addition, seeking a career counselor may help lead you in the right direction in your work. (Proverbs 11:14) (Proverbs 4:13)
Be Diligent And Work Hard: As you settle in your work, remember to be diligent and work hard, not as if you are working unto man, but as working unto God. Whether you are working for a human boss, or God has allowed you to work for yourself – remember that you are not working for man’s approval but God’s approval. God loves hardworking people; He hates laziness – when you read the book of Proverbs, you will find that it talks a lot about laziness and sluggishness and how laziness brings poverty. So, in whatever you do, make sure that you are working diligently and with joy. The proverbs 31 woman shows us what hard work looks like and what God requires of us. (Proverbs 10:4) (Proverbs 14:23)
Be Of Service To Others: The purpose of our work is to bring glory to God and serve others with the skills and talents God has blessed us with – As an entrepreneur, we create products and services because we want to solve a need in the world. Additionally, as a doctor, you use your skills and talents to help heal people from their ailments. This reason is why what we do is for God’s glory and serving others (1 Peter 4:10). Most times, the work that you do could be an answered prayer for someone else. For example, imagine if someone is praying for a product to help remove acne scars from their face.
As a skincare entrepreneur, God has given you the idea of creating a product that will help fade acne scars – when the person buys your products and uses them and sees results, they thank God for answering their prayers, and your work is acknowledged as well. (Matthew 5:16) (Philippians 2:4)
Don’t Seek Validation From Outside Sources: The only person to seek validation from is God. However, there is a difference between having someone mentor or counsel you and there is a difference when you ask someone’s permission to do certain things. You should only seek God’s counsel when you are not sure what to do – King David was very good at seeking God on everything he did; he made sure he had God’s approval and validation before going out to fight and on other decisions well (2 Samuel 5:19). Be careful that you are not sharing your dreams with small-minded people who will kill your God-given dreams.
Prioritize Rest: God created rest for man and not man for rest. Be sure to prioritize rest to avoid burnout – God rested on the seventh day after He had made this world, and He calls for us to do the same (Genesis 2:2-3). Rest is essential for our body, and this means resting on the sabbath day, staying away from your devices, turning off your mind from work, and relaxing and regaining your energy. As you build your career, be mindful that you incorporate rest into your schedule and unplug from anything work-related.
I hope these tips help you as you build your career.
For counseling or mentoring, you can reach us at lnjlifecoaching@gmail.com