Women Of The Bible Who Walked In Their Calling And Purpose With Diligence Part 1
Women Of The Bible
At some point in your life, God will call you out of obscurity to live your Calling or your Purpose. In the bible, we see how God Called people to live their Purpose to advance the kingdom of God. God gave both men and women kingdom assignments that impacted lives and generations down the line. Some of the people who influenced humanity and the kingdom of God include Jesus Christ, King David, Moses, Jeremiah, Daniel, Abraham, Apostle Paul, Noah, Isaiah, Samuel, and a lot more. You will see that I only mentioned the men because this post will be talking about the women God called to accomplish His Purpose and plans.
This post will be a two-part blog. The women I will be talking about in this post are Ruth, Mary (the mother of Jesus), and Priscilla.
Let’s dive into today’s post.
Ruth: Ruth is one of the women in the bible who has a whole book dedicated to her. In God’s sovereignty, He had planned the life of Ruth in a way that today we look to Ruth as a woman of unwavering faith, with whom we hope to emulate. God chose Ruth to become a maternal ancestor to Jesus Christ.
The backstory of Ruth is that she was from a pagan country called Moab. Her mother-in-law Naomi was from Judah, a Jew who moved to Moab to escape farming. Years later, Naomi lost both her husband and two sons, but she gained two daughters-in-law. One of them, Ruth, was very devoted to Naomi and left her country of origin and return with Naomi to Bethlehem. Ruth renounced her gods to follow the God of Naomi. God gracefully dealt with the two women as they returned to Bethlehem.
God provided for them and also blessed Ruth with a husband. Ruth married Boaz (Ruth 4), and they had a son whom they called Obed. It turns out Obed is the grandfather of King David (Ruth 4:18), and when we study genealogy, we will discover that Our Savior Jesus Christ comes from the lineage of Ruth and Boaz. What an amazing sequence of events. God chose a pagan woman who once worshipped false gods, and God turned her life around and used her to change the world one generation at a time.
In the story of Ruth, we can conclude that The Lord divinely called her and used her to bear a child whose descendants will have a prolific impact on God’s people and all of humanity. We can learn from the story of Ruth that she was set apart for an important task (Calling); she was a woman of determination, faith, hardworking, respectful, honorable, noble, humble, and trustworthy.
Ruth’s Purpose was to show us that God can chose anyone and transform them and use them for His divine Purpose. Ruth was to be the great-grandmother of King David and through that line came Jesus Christ.
Mary: The story of Ruth is the perfect segue to talk about Mary, the mother of Jesus Christ. Mary was a young woman chosen by God to be the mother of our Savior, Jesus Christ. I have often asked why God chose Mary out of all the women in her generation, but as the angel announced to her in (Luke 1:28) “Greetings, you who are highly favored! The Lord is with you.” Mary found favor with God. God chose Mary to carry the baby Jesus. Mary was to become pregnant with Jesus in a supernatural way. A great deal of faith played a part in Mary choosing to accept the will of God for life, for she replied (Luke 1:38), “I am The Lord’s servant, may your word to me be fulfilled.”
Mary immediately knew the weight of what the angel was telling her, and she did not waiver in her faith. With her kind of faith, I believe that she had an intense and intimate relationship with God.
The Lord Called Mary to be the mother of Jesus Christ. She gave birth to Jesus Christ and took care of baby Jesus through His teenage years until He started His ministry at the age of thirty years. Mary was a woman who demonstrated faith, obedience, humility, and a fear of The Lord.
Priscilla: Priscilla was a strong and kind woman who was a help-meet to her husband in the ministry of teaching. They mentored Apollos and explained to him, “The way of God more adequately” (Acts 18:26). Priscilla and her husband Aquila run a ministry teaching new converts and believers the way of God.
Priscilla’s Purpose was that God used her to build other people up in the faith and spread the gospel.
We will continue in part two of the women of the bible and their Purpose in our next blog post.